Really jacked up e-mail!

Discussion in 'General' started by vibrancy, May 27, 2010.

  1. vibrancy

    vibrancy Member

    Ok I really jacked up some where in my config of my email... lol - I created a e-mail address and under "E-Mail Address" I have [email protected] and for username I have "something" and set the password... so then I go to log into my e-mail, great alls fine, but when I send e-mail out, instead of it being recieved as "[email protected]" it comes through as "[email protected]" lol, so I have 2 errors, instead of it being "blah@", its "something@" and instead of being my correct domain name, its "".... now I have checked /etc/postfix/ all is good there - domain names all are correct, no mention of "" and I checked /etc/mailname and all is good there as well...

    Now another tidbit... I can login to webmail as both "[email protected]" and as "something" - both usernames work, ie the e-mail address and the user name I set in ispconfig! :confused:

    ISPConfig2 on Debian Lenny - using Perfect Setup Debian Lenny
    Last edited: May 27, 2010
  2. createch

    createch New Member

    when I send e-mail out, instead of it being recieved as "[email protected]" it comes through as "[email protected]"

    << How do you send out your email ? (by webmail, pop3 or the "mail" command ?)
  3. vibrancy

    vibrancy Member

    I have only tried webmail so far
  4. vibrancy

    vibrancy Member

    Ok well I just tried with normal outlook and everything works fine thorugh it - so its only when I use webmail - I have tried from both squirrelmail and roundcube - both give same results...
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must set the correct sender address in SquirrelMail and RoundCube, just like you do in a "normal" email client.
  6. vibrancy

    vibrancy Member

    But why am I having to do that now on this install vs my last install? I never had to set a sender like in other clients... my other install is on a Debian etch system, running ISPConfig 2.2.14 - the new box is Debain Lenny on ISP Config 2.2.35... and it would show the correct [email protected], but on the new box its [email protected] -
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I don't know why it worked on your old server, but usually you always have to set the sender address manually.
  8. vibrancy

    vibrancy Member

    Boggles my mind! hehe ok well at least its no config error - thanks a lot!

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