Rebuilding server after install of ISPConfig 3

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by DantePasquale, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. DantePasquale

    DantePasquale Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi All,

    I agree with your assessment of not being able to cleanup enough stuff to uninstall ISPConfig 2 and install ISPConfig 3. However, I only have one server and was wondering if you had the steps for "restoring" the customer's MySQL databases and other web site stuff (postgress for sql-ledger, etc)? Here's what I'm thinking:

    1. mysql dump of all database schemas
    2. postgress dump of all database schemas
    3. tar up /var/www -- or just rename it as it's on its own LVM.
    4. Use your or Falko's "script" for capturing all the packages that are installed so I can restore them on the "new" system.
    5. Since I'm using LVM for everything except / I should be able to install Ubuntu 8.10 with formatting / and putting /home on / for the install.
    6. Update /etc/fstab with LVM mount points for all filesystems other than / -- should be intact since I won't wipe them during the install. And reboot.
    7. Then follow your instructions for "The Perfect Server" to get ISPConfig 3 up and running.
    8. Create users and webs, restore /var/www and correct users/groups where necessary.
    9. Use ISPConfig 3 to register the customer's databases and restore from the mysql dumps
    10. Use the package data that was gathered in step 4 to load all the packages I had on the server before "format" of /

    My question is: Do you know which packages shouldn't be restored from the ISPConfig 2 package list?

    I'm pretty sure to not install ProFTP, MySQL, Apache, and PHP, but are there any others that come to mind that would be conflicting with ISPConfig 3?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig 3 has a different website layout, so you can not restore just /var/www, you will have to copy the files and scripts for every website individually to the new directory8s).

    4) This does not make sense in my opinion as you would install packages required for ispconfig 2 which might cause ISPConfig 3 to fail.

    the procedure I recommend is:

    1) Make a backup of the databases and data in /var/www
    2) Format the server and install ISPConfig 3
    3) Create all websites and email users in ispconfig 3 again and then restore the website data and mysql / postgres databases.
  3. DantePasquale

    DantePasquale Member HowtoForge Supporter

    My thoughts with step 4 are more on the application side of things. I keep some developer tools on the server(s) in case quick fixes are needed. Also, since I do a lot of media streaming, I need all the codecs on the new server. So, the list of packages would be very small. hmmm, doesn't synaptic package manager keep a log of the packages installed? Maybe that would be a simpler approach.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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