I been getting a lot of spam I have spamassasin setup and scores the email fine but lately been getting a lot of spam is there any configuration that I can do to further trim the spam coming in? using postfix as MTA. Thank you.
You can use Razor, Pyzor, DCC for Spamassassin. As you are using Postfix as your MTA, you can consider to install Postgrey, a greylisting system for Postfix. I have good experience with that.
Thank you I will check these out, I did try getting postgrey up and running but didn't finish it is there any tutorial or how to you might suggest.
Postgrey howto Hi again, Please have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/greylisting_postfix_postgrey
You can also update the Spamasassin rules automaticly with a cron job like this: 23 4 */2 * * /usr/local/sbin/sa_rules_update.sh &> /dev/null
Wouldn't this work better? Code: 23 4 */2 * * /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/spamassassin/usr/bin/sa-update &> /dev/null Using the perfect setup, the distro SA wasn't installed, so I don't have sa_rules_update.sh on my system...
The best way ro prevent spam is 1. prevent spam from getting into your mailbox, 2. have SA work with a good ruleset. 1.: This tutorial by falko should server as a good starting point: http://www.howtoforge.com/block_spam_at_mta_level_postfix Don't read its config as if it were set to stone. Take your time to find out which RBLs works best for you. In my case the SORBS lists tend to block too much ham (escpecially freemail servers as hotmail, tiscali, ...). Abuseat's RBL is not needed if you use Spamhaus (it's included) and their sbl-xbl RBL shouldn't be used anymore, use zen instead. Other tutorials may advise you to use reject_unknown_client. While technically the use of this rule is good you'll run into problems pretty soon, as many servers, even those of global players are often misconfigured and therefore would get blocked. 2.: Use RulesDuJour in conjunction with SA to have a good base of rulesets and keep them updated. To use it with ISPConfig's SA, you better do some symlinking, so you do not have to change RDJ's code.
how would you symlink to include RulesDuJour with SA included with ISPConfig, also how can I add my own Spamassassin filters to run SA with RulesDuJour and make it all global to every client hosted?
The configuration files of ISPConfig's SpamAssassin are located in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/tools/spamassassin/etc/mail/spamassassin, so you must store the rules there.