Recommendations - ISPConfig 2 or 3 ?

Discussion in 'General' started by sighkick, Mar 1, 2009.

  1. sighkick

    sighkick New Member

    I confess that I am not an expert when it comes to using a CP but I can follow instructions to-the-letter.

    My request is for a recommendation for using either ISPConfig 2 or ISPConfig 3 in a production environment [I run a very, very small hosting service more as a hobby than a business].

    What are the advantages of both versions other than that Version 3 can run on separate servers?

    Does version 3 have ALL the features of Version 2 including Quota?

    If not, when will Version 3 likely to become stable with all the features of Version 2 [and more possibly]?

    Thanks for your recommendations and advice.

    David of New Zealand
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I recommend to use iSPConfig 2 for that. For the advantages of ISPConfig 3 take a look at the ispconfig 3 release notes.
  3. _X_

    _X_ New Member

    If i got it correctly main difference between ISPConfig 2 and 3 is that ISPConfig 3 has virtual users. This means that all user related data is stored in database (mysql). All settings, path settings mail data etc is in database. In case of ISPConfig 2 all users created are actual linux users of that server with folders and data and mail data stored on disk in real folders. This is the reason why default prefix for new user creation exists in ISPConfig 2.

    Advantage of ISPConfig 3 is easier backup of user/clent/web data. Also because user data is stored in database you can have separate mail server for all users, separate file server etc. This concept should be safer because created users are not local linux users as in case of ISPConfig 2. Problem that I can see is heavier load on memory and CPU because MySQL is used for majority of tasks and it is more memory and CPU demanding process.

    Advantage of ISPConfig 2 is that it is fully tested version with all bugs ironed out till now. Problem can be user prefix because username is not the same as mail account. domain_user1 and appropriate password are used for access to mail account with mail address [email protected]. For some this can be confusing. Also backup and restore is little bit complicated than in case of ISPConfig 3. This version should be less demanding on memory and CPU but i have never tested this and this is just an assumption.

    If I made any mistakes please correct me :)
  4. sighkick

    sighkick New Member

    Many thanks to X

    Many thanks to X for taking the time to explain in plain English what would have taken me ages to figure out myself comparing features of systems I don't fully understand yet.

    All I can hope for now is for a fast progress of ISPConfig3 towards a fully stable and 'finished' product.

    Thanks again X - you are a breath of fresh air in the LUG world and we need more like you to ease the transition of M$haft users to the world of Open Source freedom. :)
  5. robilaur

    robilaur New Member

    Ispconfig 3 .... X has explained well.... i personaly have a small hosting company and i had used ispconfig 2 and now 3.... the thing that is the best on ispconfig3 is the part with the virtual users... that rocks... no more web3_u3 or web4 client and other mind squishing prefixes. oh... and its more user frendly to... more accessible.... its super OK...and the last version of ispconfig3 is preaty stable... i`m running a P3 550 Mhz procesor, 195 mb of RAm and a 6 Gb hdd with debian 5 lenny... and it works like a charm.

    Take care
  6. tonyce

    tonyce New Member


    How much memory (cpu etc.) does your install of ispconfig3 use?

    I know you mentioned it works like a charm on your setup. what type of sites are you hosting (ratio of static to dymamic)?

    I will be using a VPS with 360MB of memory.

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