Recommended Memory

Discussion in 'General' started by jcombs_31, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. jcombs_31

    jcombs_31 New Member

    I'm using a OpenVZ VPS with 512MB memory (1GB burst) and I'm having problems with running out of memory. I would think 512 should be enough. What is the recommended memory for ISPconfig3?

    Is it normal to have multiple processes running for a single service? Here is some of TOP sorted by memory usage...

    15818 clamav 21 0 85828 71m 472 S 0 13.9 0:00.00 clamd
    14230 amavis 18 0 54084 45m 2376 S 0 8.9 0:00.66 amavisd-new
    15499 amavis 18 0 54852 44m 1656 S 0 8.7 0:00.00 amavisd-new
    15500 amavis 18 0 54852 44m 1652 S 0 8.7 0:00.00 amavisd-new
    15523 root 15 0 31476 28m 2096 S 0 5.6 0:00.28 spamd
    15768 root 18 0 31476 27m 640 S 0 5.3 0:00.00 spamd
    15769 root 18 0 31476 26m 548 S 0 5.3 0:00.00 spamd
    14293 mysql 15 0 142m 17m 4972 S 0 3.4 0:00.16 mysqld
    17411 root 18 0 24508 8820 5504 S 0 1.7 0:00.08 apache2
    17426 www-data 18 0 24640 6876 3344 S 0 1.3 0:00.00 apache2
    17423 www-data 15 0 24640 6828 3316 S 0 1.3 0:00.00 apache2
    17425 www-data 17 0 24640 6820 3312 S 0 1.3 0:00.00 apache2
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2009
  2. centvpser

    centvpser New Member

    I've just been wondering the same thing.

    All my processes seem to be using even more memory than yours :confused:

    it's even weirder because...
    -I don't even have any sites really running on it either
    -I'm running 32bit
    -also the mem usage seems to creep up quite quickly and i was having to restart the chunky services quite often

    I saw a perl script somewhere that'd optimize mysqld, but i cant seem to find it again.. not sure if that'll help..
    tried editing the clamav config file, but i didnt manage to lower it
  3. centvpser

    centvpser New Member

  4. jcombs_31

    jcombs_31 New Member

    I had to kill clamav for the time being to free up some memory. I just did a fresh install on a local VM and got about about the same memory usage. Seems like a lot, just wasn't sure if it was normal or not.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The momeory usage is normal as the default setup contains a complete email and webserver with amavisd and clamav for email scanning. ISPConfig itself does not use much memory, only about 5 - 15 MB for up to a few seconds once a minute.
  6. jcombs_31

    jcombs_31 New Member

    Thanks for responding Till. Where can I read more about using multi-server setups? I'm assuming I can split these services among multiple servers based on your response? Or am I wrong and does each server need to be set up based on the Perfect Install guides?

    I would like to know more in general about multi-server setups with ISPConfig3. Thanks for any info you can provide.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    All Infos available on multiserver setups are here in the forum, there is no additional documentation available et.
  8. mozart_ar

    mozart_ar New Member

    I have the same issue about memory usage of amavis.
    Is there a way to reduce the memory usage?
    I found this I don't sure that is the same situation.

    Here a top screen-shot:
    Mem:    530712k total,   478584k used,    52128k free,     6116k buffers
    Swap:   262136k total,   210104k used,    52032k free,    79624k cached
      PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                         
    20176 amavis    20   0  195m  79m 3508 S    0 15.3   0:03.08 amavisd-new                                                     
    20177 amavis    20   0  195m  78m 3576 S    0 15.2   0:02.59 amavisd-new                                                     
    20172 amavis    20   0  190m  68m 1108 S    0 13.2   0:00.84 amavisd-new                                                     
     2868 mysql     20   0  301m  46m 2976 S    0  8.9  5106779h mysqld                                                          
    20735 www-data  20   0  246m  29m  12m S    0  5.7   0:17.82 apache2                                                         
    21216 www-data  20   0  246m  29m  12m S    0  5.7   0:02.33 apache2                                                         
     2522 clamav    20   0  241m  29m  516 S    0  5.6   0:30.97 clamd                                                           
    21222 www-data  20   0  246m  29m  12m S    0  5.6   0:01.84 apache2                                                         
    21101 www-data  20   0  245m  29m  12m S    0  5.6   0:06.30 apache2                                                         
    21212 www-data  20   0  244m  28m  12m S    0  5.4   0:01.67 apache2                                                         
    21330 www-data  20   0  244m  26m  11m S    0  5.2   0:01.06 apache2                                                         
    21209 postfix   20   0  105m 5624 4104 S    0  1.1   0:00.02 smtpd                                                           
     2167 root      20   0  232m 2928 1760 S    0  0.6   0:17.95 apache2                                                         
    11934 root      20   0 39276 2908 1292 S    0  0.5   0:18.26 vlogger        
    I'm running on ISPConfig 3, ubuntu 9.10 x86_64

  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats not related as the default amavisd does not use these kind of lists.

    Currently you have 3 amavisd server instances running. If your systemdoes not process huge amounts of email, you can reduce them to 1 by setting the variable


    in the amavisd configuration files and then restart amavisd.
  10. mozart_ar

    mozart_ar New Member

    Thanks till, I have added that line to file:

    but setting the value to 0,


    because max_servers mean children proccess. After restart the service, I have one entry on top for amavisd-new .

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