Falko/Till/Anyone, 1st up Great product. i've been running ISPC2 for about 5 years and upgraded my ISP's servers to ISPC3 about 6 months ago to make use of the multiple server solution. Awesome is all I can say. Now the Q! - > Is there a recommended way to install / configure Squirrelmail to allow it to be shared by ISPCONFIG3's virtual hosts. What I want to do is be able to alais /webmail to the squirrelmail installation but am running into issues due to the open_basedir restrictions. I have tried many different ways, from having a domain setup directy for it, apache redirections, package installs, extracted installs etc, but I just keep running into problems. Anyway - is there a recommended way to do this? Any information greatly appreciated. Cheers, -X-
Have you tried putting this into your apache config? Code: Alias /webmail /var/www/squirrelmail "/var/www/sharedip/webmail" should be the directory of where you put in the squirrelmail files.