recommended ways to ssl

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by lolbrin, Apr 26, 2019.

  1. lolbrin

    lolbrin Member


    do you have a guide to buy an ssl and install it into a site in ispconfig?
    do you recommend a ssl cert company?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is a chapter on how to install ssl certs in the manual, you can download the manual here as howtoforge subscriber:

    I'm using mostly Comodo SSL certs because they are not so expensive, but GeoTrust or any other widely used SSL authority is fine as well.

    In most cases, a free Let's encrypt SSL certificate should be fine though, so you don't have to buy an SSL cert anymore to get a valid SSL encrypted site. For let's encrypt, just enable SSL and Let's encrypt checkbox of the website and ensure you have the current git-stable ISPConfig version installed due to a recent bug in certbot.
  3. lolbrin

    lolbrin Member

    Hello Till!
    Ok thanks, i know, i use letsencrypt for myself, but one of my costumers want payed ssl.

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