Reconfigure ispconfig slave

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by iqpascal, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. iqpascal

    iqpascal Member


    I've seen a troubleshooting manual somwehere but when I need it I cannot find it :-(

    I've previously used a git stable version to install a slave server on Ubuntu 18.04 But I now see at the master that the IP addresses are not registered at the master and the PHP version is wrong as well (still says 7.0 instead of 7.2) is there a way I can reconfigure ispconfig to recreate the settings? (tried ispconfig_update but that one says there is no new version available probably because I already upgraded)
  2. Brett Wilton

    Brett Wilton Member

  3. Brett Wilton

    Brett Wilton Member

    Till would answer your questions best but rather than using the normal
    /usr/local/bin/ you can manually run the update by downloading and running php -q update.php from the install directory as indicated at the bottom of
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thanks @Brett Wilton, that's the two links that I would have posted too :)

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