Reconfigure Services

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Anna Count, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. Anna Count

    Anna Count New Member

    I have great respect for people who can speak multiple languages but would it be possible to adjust the wording on the following page under Reconfigure Services? Others may disagree but I think that there's an issue is with the use of the word "only".
    [unable to post a link because I haven't been here long enough but search engine for You should choose "yes" here, only if you modified]
    I'd write it like this, assuming this is what it's trying to say:
    Generally you should choose "yes" here, but if you modified your system configuration manually then it might be better to choose no. If you choose no then new features in ISPConfig might not work or functions might stop working until you adjust the config files manually. So its always a good choice to select 'yes' here. In the next step, select the ispconfig port:
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    That is from output of, the "Reconfigure Services? (yes,no) [yes]:" part.
    Now that you mention this, I can see the wording could be better. I think it was originally german, and has been translated to english.
    I would write it
  3. Anna Count

    Anna Count New Member

    Yes it's likely a translation issue. I think your wording is fine. Remove "only"

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