Hello all, I have egroupware installed. It is accessible via http and https. I want egroupware only accessible via https. I tried in apache derictives: Redirect /egroupware https://domain.tld/egroupware but when I access the url ispconfig says in derictives that it is not supported. So, what is the correct way to make an app only accessible via https? Or the correct way in ispconfig to do a redirect? tia stefan
What exactly did you add in the Apache Directives field? Just Code: Redirect /egroupware https://domain.tld/egroupware ? You must at least have Code: RewriteEngine on at the beginning. Have a look at this guide: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/misc/rewriteguide.html
Okay I tried this and it dont work. I get then a message that the limit of redirect is reached for that URL. ANd there is no discription about this limit in the link you gave. Whats now? can someone help tia stefan
should mod_rewrite enabled in ispconfig? Or in my apache2? When in ispconfig where can I do this? tia stefan
mod_rewrite must be loaded in your apache configuration and if you want to put rewrite rules in your apache directiveds window you must enable it wit putting this line RewriteEngine on in the apache directives window too as falko posted above.
"RewriteEngine on " have I set but as I discribed I get the error message that the "limit of redirect is reached for that URL" when I browse http://domain.tld/egroupware Okay I enable this fo some time: Redirect /egroupware https://www.nopanicsystems.net/egroupware RewriteEngine on Please browse : http://www.nopanicsystems.net/egroupware that you can see the error message. what is to do? tia stefan
It should be Code: RewriteEngine on Redirect /egroupware [url]https://www.nopanicsystems.net/egroupware[/url] This happens because when you go to https://www.nopanicsystems.net/egroupware it is redirected to https://www.nopanicsystems.net/egroupware which is then redirected to https://www.nopanicsystems.net/egroupware and so on - you're in a loop. you must change your redirect rule.
I have it done it how you mean it. RewriteEngine on Redirect /egroupware https://www.nopanicsystems.net/egroupware browse http://www.nopanicsystems.net/egroupware give the error, also with https. I really dont know what is going wrong.
Code: you're in a loop. you must change your redirect rule okay, but what should I change. I set it how you meant it : Code: RewriteEngine on Redirect /egroupware https://www.nopanicsystems.net/egroupware thats what you meant, and thats what I set in ispconfig sorry, I dont know what should I change?!
I just meant that the RewriteEngine line must be at the beginning, before any rewrite rule. For the correct Redirect rule, check out this page: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/misc/rewriteguide.html
seems to be solved in apache deritives: Code: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !443 RewriteRule (.*/egroupware) https://www.nopanicsystems.net/egroupware [R] In the moment it seems that all is running! okay, thanks for help!!! stefan