Redirect on mailman admin url

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Planea, Jun 28, 2023.

  1. Planea

    Planea New Member

    I recently deployed a new ISPConfig Server 3.2.9p1 on Debian Bullseye.
    I created a new mailing list but when I go to manage it by clicking on the admin button and go to the url
    It redirects me to the first domain with HTTPS configured.
    Following the guide I created a new website with server url but the mailman administration page keeps trying to direct me to the first website.
  2. Planea

    Planea New Member

    In fact, when I have activated Lets encypt for new website I receive a 404 error.
  3. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Wrong website shown is usually caused by certificate error or ip address mismatch in website setting, like you read in read before posting -article.
    Did you try http:// url when accessing the mailman page?
    Use SSL checker to verify the certificate is OK, Internet Search Engines find suitable websites.
    ISPConfig may not work with latest version of mailman, have you checked that?
  4. Planea

    Planea New Member

    Hi Taleman,
    Yes I tried to access mailman through http:// but I was redirect to https//
    I read on forums that there is no funding to port mailman 3 to ispconfig 3.2 but still the installer allows to install it.
    I have published this post to try to get a working configuration.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Mailman is installed by the auto-installer only on an OS version that provides Mailman 2. If Mailman 2 is unavailable for that OS version, then Mailman will not get installed, no matter what you choose in the auto installer. Adding a mailing list in ISPConfig can not work then. Mailman 3 can not work when installed on an ISPConfig system and there is no way to get a working configuration without writing a lot of new code for ISPConfig. Mailman 3 is a completely different software and not compatible with Mailman 2. So it's not just a new version of Mailman., and one would write a complete Mailman module for ISPConfig from scratch, new config file sets, a new server plugin etc.

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