Redirect problem

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Chowder, Dec 4, 2019.

  1. Chowder

    Chowder New Member


    I have 3 server
    1. server isp config (This image here ) (
    2. Remote server (
    3. NAS (
    On isp config server I hosted a domain. I want to create 2 subdomains on the isp config server to redirect me to the 2 servers.
    ex: -> ->
    I tried to redirect to the domain but it redirects me to the internal ip. At the subdomains I do not have the option of proxy ...
    Can anyone help me with some information?
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Are you talking about redirects when browser goes to your sites? As for internal IP, all the IPs you showed are internal IPs.
    This looks like you talk about DNS name service entries. Is this the case?
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You need a proxy for this. Create a new website for each of the subdomains and add the nescessary proxy directives into the apache directives field of the website. There should be several threads here in the foprum on that topic which contain also some examples of the proxy directives.
  4. Chowder

    Chowder New Member

    I want that when I access the support from my browser to go to ip It redirects but in direct ip when I write redirects me to I don't assign that subdomain to the ip
    when i write
    Sorry for english but i don't know how to explain to make myself understood
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Create a new website
    2) The subdomain must exist in DNS and point to the IP address of server1.
    3) then you add proxy directives into the apache directives filed of that website (see options tab of the site) to redirect incoming requests to the IP address of server 2.
    4) take care that the nescessary proxy modules in apache are enabled, otherwise the proxy directives will not work.
  6. Chowder

    Chowder New Member

    2). i need to create a new dns zone for the sub-domain?
    ex : 1 dns zone for
    2 dns zone for
    or i can add a records in dns zone for

    3.can you give me an example how that directive should look like?

    Sorry to ask so many questions but i don't know and i try to learn
  7. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Subdomain and hostname are not the same. Your examples were and Those look like hostnames. These hostnames you create in DNS name service in domain
    If you want a subdomain, like so you can create hostname, then you must create a new subdomain in DNS name service and add the hostname there.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You add these to the zone of as A-Records.

    As mentioned in my first answer, there are several posts which describe that. Please use the forum search function and search for things like 'ispconfig proxy' or 'ispconfig proxy apache' or similar.

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