Redis support possible?

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by dynamind, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. dynamind

    dynamind Member


    a big portal switched from mysql to redis, you can find an article at golem.

    Now I installed redis on squeeze using this guide.
    While creating a database in ispconfig3 redis does not show. Is it possible to enable it, or will you add support for this relational database?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Redis is a key value store, not a relational database. So redis is something different then mysql and you will not be able to e.g. switch a wordpress site from mysql to redis. You can install redis and use it on a ispconfig server, but you can not create new databases in ispconfig for redis.
  3. davidedelgatto

    davidedelgatto New Member

    Hi Till, how are you?
    I was wondering if there's a possibility to implement Redis in ISPConfig. On Google, I didn't find anything very interesting just a few links:
    and this project: that unfortunately, it doesn't work. I tried to install it on a VM but nothing.
    Do you know where I can get the Redis module for ISPConfig?

    Thank you :D
    Best Regards,
  4. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please don't revive such old posts, but create a new one instead.

    I think the function on is developed by @florian030 himself, and it is not publicly available.

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