Hello, base on the answer : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42030897/reduce-server-response-time-apache2-on-debian-7 I am on debian9 and inside Ispconfig / system / SnippsetDirective I create a snippsetwith these elements : TraceEnable Off ServerSignature Off ServerTokens Prod FileETag None HostnameLookups Off # this is important since your apache server won't try to translate your ip address into a dns name or host when you access your website ExtendedStatus On # you can enable it afterwards, if you need it Timeout 10 KeepAlive On MaxKeepAliveRequests 100 KeepAliveTimeout 5 Could ou tell me if it's correct ? Tk
Normally, these settings are made globally on a server (as suggested in the article) and not in a vhost. You might want to check in the apache docs if these settings can be used in the virtualhost scope, if yes, you can set them in apache directives. If not, you have to set them globally in the apache config file.