Redundant server - Cpanel & HeartBeat

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Melman2007, Nov 10, 2007.

  1. Melman2007

    Melman2007 New Member

    I look for several month an answer for my problem. Let me be more explicit:

    I run the following configuration:

    optic fibre-----BGP router------Main server
    ===================|-------Redundant server

    optic fibre come with an single IP, and the BGP router (an 2801 CISCO router, but for the beginning it was an Zebra machine) route 512 ip's used by main server (running Cpanel).
    I make some tests with heartbeat using an serial connection between server and redundant server. Everything work fine, but as i saw, the heartbeat can't rise up more than 8 ip's. Is any solution to make it work in this configuration? Each server need to run Cpanel WHM and i have no money to buy another licence for the redundant server.
    Is any other solution for my problem? This can be anything else, not necessary heartbeat (but i like heart beat because work smooth).

    Thank you very much in advance,
    Bests, Kriss
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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