Greetings, I would like to ask a question regarding ispconfig panel and services SSL certificates. I would like to use let's encrypt SSL . I do realize that the script has to be ran , in order to try and regenerate a Let's Encrypt SSL for the services. The problem is , that in general, upon panel installation the main domain does not point to the server . What I would like to know, is there a php script that I can run manually/directly that tries to install a ssl for the panel, without running the entire script. Since I will use ispconfig on live servers, I do not want to run the full update script to check for a SSL
I don't think the main domain needs to be pointed to the server but the server fqdn needs to. Basically my old script may do so but modification to it is necessary (which I would refuse to do) or you can try using @Th0m approach which is quite similar but you may still need to do some modifications (or not, I am not sure). The best is still to use ISPConfig update script.
You do not need to do that. The server ceritificate is renewed automatically (Let's Encrypt certificate). If you want to check when certificate goes old, click the lock icon on browser address bar left.