Remote access of PhpMyAdmin...Is this Secure?

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by willebanks, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. willebanks

    willebanks New Member

    Greetings all,

    First I'd like to say thanks to all at HowtoForge. Without this site I never would have become interested in Linux as a web server.

    And a special thanks to Til. I'm pretty sure I don't have to explain why!

    I've have setup my server according to the "Perfect Ubuntu server 10.04 for ISPConfig 3" tutorial.

    Everything works as expected so far. My only real concern is the possibility that a hacker might be able to remotely access PhpMyAdmin and fubar all my hard work.
    I have read the tut on how to set up an "alias"...but I'm not sure that goes far enough.

    So here are my questions.

    Is it really necessary to have remote access to PhpMyAdmin and if not how does one disable remote access to PhpMyAdmin?


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    If you want more security, you can password-protect phpMyAdmin with .htaccess.
  3. willebanks

    willebanks New Member

    Thanks Falko I'll look into that.

    Frankly I may just remove PhpMyAdmin altogether...I don't need it and I would be the only one using it anyway so....

    Thanks again!


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