Remote Framework Help?

Discussion in 'General' started by AceP1983, Jan 3, 2009.

  1. AceP1983

    AceP1983 New Member

    I am trying to get a script going that will automate user account creation. Whenever I run the script I am getting errors back from soap.lib.php. Here is the first error that comes up.

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare timestamp_to_iso8601() (previously declared in /var/www/web10/web/webmail/soap.lib.php:435) in /var/www/web10/web/webmail/soap.lib.php on line 455

    I am using the standard soap.lib.php that comes in the test files package and I have made sure that all instances of soapclient are changed to soap_client. I have a feeling that I may be double loading the script but I am not sure how. Also for clarity I am running ISPConfig 2.2.27 with remote framework 4.2.1 beta on a debian etch box. Please any help is very much appreciated and a quick thank you to all the awesome developers on these great products.

  2. t-mug

    t-mug New Member

    Care for including soap.lib.php in your scripts by include_once - NOT!! by only "include". That solves your problem :cool:

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