It works well, but I move the datarecord and id before the plugin is loaded SVN:1919 Did you have a web access to the svn? Only for see/check the code?
The change you made to move the code that raises the event into the if($app->remoting_lib->formDef["db_history"] == 'yes') { part is not correct in my opinion as the event raising does not depend on the fact is history is enabled or not. Events have to be raised independantly of the history setting of the form. It should be moved outside of the if statement again. Othewise the plugins will not work correctly for forms weher dbhistory is not enabled. The other changes moving the $this->id = $insert_id; $this->dataRecord = $params; lines are ok. No. I use a GUI based svn client.
I just change the order of: $this->id = $insert_id; $this->dataRecord = $params; i dont know which line are you talking about: The change you made to move the code that raises the event into the if($app->remoting_lib->formDef["db_history"] == 'yes') { part is not correct in my opinion as the event raising does not depend on the fact is history is enabled or not. Events have to be raised independantly of the history setting of the form. It should be moved outside of the if statement again. Othewise the plugins will not work correctly for forms weher dbhistory is not enabled.
New functions in Remoting class My bad, I'm creating a new thread for the new functions in the remoting class:
Looks ok. I'am not sure if we should use separate functions for *_active and *_inactive, instead we might use a *_status or *_set_status function with active or inactive as parameter? What do you think?
Hi Till Which file needs to be updated to resolve this issue? I have updated which I got from svn today but sites_web_domain_add function seems not working properly. Do I need to update another files? Another issue is when I remotely updated a client using client_update function in, this updated username and password for both client and Admin. (Administrator's username and password are replaced with a client's username and password) I found that the below line1 changed to line2. line1 ( $affected_rows = $this->updateQuery('../client/form/client.tform.php', $reseller_id, $client_id, $params); line2 (svn): $affected_rows = $this->updateQuery('../client/form/client.tform.php', $client_id, $reseller_id, $params); Just swapped client_id and reseller_id. Why? I had no errors with the above line1. Thanks in advance. Harry
Hello, I already did the integration, what you can do is to help us testing it! You can also check how I use the remoting class here: This is an Open Source proyect that uses the ISPConfig3 remoting class
hi, there are problems with the installation process (tht 1.2.2 works fine on the same server). Redirection from "/" to "/install/index.php" actually redirects to /var/www/bnpanel/install/index.php (as you guess... no go). This is actually a bug in THT (altough 1.2.2 installs after I did the following tweak to install/index.php): Code: //if($prepend . $compare[1] !== $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) { // die("You can only run the install from the <em>".__FILE__."</em> file."); //} Adding a Code: echo "Installing from $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]"; leads to this result: Installing from /bnpanel/install/index.php install.php stops at echo $style->get("header.tpl"); So I guess I have path problems
Hello Thanks for reporting! I will fix that one. I changed some of the process while loading css and javascript, I did not test it yet with a fresh installation.
thank you for the quick fix. Installation went trough correctly. There's a residual bug after install: The default setting for the "url" values is retained after installation (defaults to A login right after installation causes images and css to be loaded from Logout-relogin fixes that. I'll do some tests with a test ispconfig server and will report back. I can concentrate on fixing the customer info (vat/company name) after that, as tht/bnpanel will need that handling for being usefull in Europe (toghether with the european mode of taxation). Ouch: I see now you're based in France. I guess you'll need that too. ispcomm
Now this works. Thanks jmontoya. My current ISPConfig is I replaced /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/classes/ with the new from SVN. I found two functions need to be modified as below. 1. I temporary removed chekPerm from the function 'server_get' as my current ISPConfig is unable to enable this for remote user. Code: public function server_get($session_id, $server_id, $section ='') { global $app; /*if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_get')) { $this->server->fault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; }*/ if (!empty($session_id) && !empty($server_id)) { $app->uses('remoting_lib , getconf'); $section_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($server_id,$section); return $section_config; } else { return false; } } 2. Changed 'client_update' function (maybe somebody made mistake.) From public function client_update($session_id, $client_id, $reseller_id, $params) To public function client_update($session_id, $reseller_id, $client_id, $params) This is a sample code for adding a new site with remote framework. Code: <?php $username = 'username'; $password = 'password'; $soap_location = 'http://localhost:8080/ispconfig3/interface/web/remote/index.php'; $soap_uri = 'http://localhost:8080/ispconfig3/interface/web/remote/'; $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => $soap_location, 'uri' => $soap_uri)); $session_id = $client->login($username,$password); //$server_params['server_id'] = $this->getServerId(); $server_params['server_id'] = '1'; $server_params['section'] = 'web'; $server_info = $client->server_get($session_id, $server_params['server_id'], $server_params['section']); $domain_name = ''; $client_id = '26'; //your client id $client_group_id = $client_id + 1; $system_group = 'client'.$client_id; $client_name = '10001'; //your client_name $ftp_user = $client_name."_ftp"; $ftp_password = "ftp password"; $db_name = "c".$client_id."db"; // $client_id plus db $db_user = "c".$client_id."user"; // $client_id plus user $db_password = "db password"; //Web Domain Add try { $params = array( 'server_id' => '1', 'ip_address' => '', 'domain' => $domain_name, 'type' => 'vhost', 'vhost_type' => 'name', 'sys_userid' => '1', 'sys_groupid' => '1', 'system_user' => 'web1', 'system_group' => $system_group, 'client_group_id' => $client_group_id, 'parent_domain_id' => '', 'hd_quota' => '-1', 'traffic_quota' => '-1', 'cgi' => 'n', 'ssi' => 'n', 'suexec' => 'n', 'errordocs' => '1', 'subdomain' => 'none', 'ssl' => 'n', 'php' => 'fast-cgi', 'active' => 'y', 'allow_override' => 'All', 'errordocs' => '1', 'document_root' => $server_info['website_path'], 'php_open_basedir' => $server_info['php_open_basedir']); $website_id = $client->sites_web_domain_add($session_id, $client_id, $params); } catch (SoapFault $e) { die('Error: '.$e->getMessage()); } We don't know the website_id so just enter 'web1' for 'system_user' as below and this will be overwritten by ISPconfig. 'system_user' => 'web1' Hope this may help... Harry
Log table missing the IP field Browsing packages I get: Code: ERROR Database error number: 1054 Database error message: Unknown column 'ip' in 'field list' Query: INSERT INTO `logs` (uid, loguser, logtime, ip, message) VALUES ( '1', 'admin', '1282631969', '::ffff:', 'server::loadServer server_id #1') File: /var/www/bnpanel/includes/class_main.php Line: 722 Class: main Method: addLog Adding a varchar field to the log table fixes this (install related issue). I don't get the packages of bnpanel and how they're related to resources in ispconfig? How do I limit resources used by a package? Order page bug: there's bug (?) on the order page. The "order" button does not work (tested in safari and firefox). The orderstepme functions is called and disables the button, but the ajax is never called afterwards (I have no log lines in the web server). ispcomm PS: Perhaps I'm too quick reporting. stop me if you feel I'm hammering.
Certainly not, feel free too, but be aware we might choose not to fix the bugs you find... It is great to have some external testing. And we are based in Belgium, while Julio is actually working from France.
Hello there! Here are my comments: 1. You should check this file /interface/web/admin/form/remote_user.tform.php There you will find the permissions that remote users can do. Check in ISPConfig trunck SVN 2. As far as I know I dont use the client_update in BNPanel. But it should work with this: PHP: case 'client_update': $soap_result = $soap_client->client_update($this->session_id, $params['client_id'], $params['reseller_id'], $params); As you can see this is the order: client_id, primary_id. I did not test it yet with BNPanel but it should work. In trunk and in stable ISPConfig SVN the client_update function is like that: public function client_update($session_id, $client_id, $reseller_id, $params) the website_id and system_user and system_group are rewritten by ISPConfig, I'm working with the SVN trunk version so you should check the differences between your current installation and those from trunk.