Remoting API

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by tio289, May 1, 2013.

  1. tio289

    tio289 Member

    Hello, there is client_get_sites_by_user function, but it selects only standard vhosts, not subdomain vhost. I edit SQL query to select subdomainvhost too.

    3039 - $sql ="SELECT domain, domain_id, document_root, active FROM web_domain WHERE ( (sys_userid = $sys_userid  AND sys_perm_user LIKE '%r%') OR (sys_groupid IN ($group_list) AND sys_perm_group LIKE '%r%') OR  sys_perm_other LIKE '%r%') AND type = 'vhost'";
    3039 + $sql ="SELECT domain, domain_id, document_root, active FROM web_domain WHERE ( (sys_userid = $sys_userid  AND sys_perm_user LIKE '%r%') OR (sys_groupid IN ($group_list) AND sys_perm_group LIKE '%r%') OR  sys_perm_other LIKE '%r%') AND (type = 'vhost' OR type='vhostsubdomain')";
    Would You integrate this change in next release? Or You add separate function to select subdomainvhost? Or add additional parameter which define type?


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