Remoting Framework

Discussion in 'General' started by mccharlet, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. mccharlet

    mccharlet Member HowtoForge Supporter


    It's possible using Remoting Framework with ispconfig 2.2.11?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. mccharlet

    mccharlet Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I have removed this parameters on the compile files
    --disable-libxml --disable-xml ${WITH_ZLIB_DIR} --disable-xmlreader --disabl
    e-xmlwriter --disable-simplexml

    I have installed.

    But that not function :confused:

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  5. mccharlet

    mccharlet Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yes, i have installed
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which error messages do you get?
  7. mccharlet

    mccharlet Member HowtoForge Supporter


    I have no erreur juste display "Script end ..."

    For started, i want just listed the reseller

    My test script and soap.lib.php in a folder remote (http://mysite/remote/test.php)

    This is my file test.php


    * ISPConfig Soap Connector
    * Version 1.3
    * (c) Projektfarm GmbH 2005
    * This script requires PHP with CURL extension


    // Insert here your 42go Server
    $server_url = "https://myipserver:81";

    // creating object for SoapClient
    $soapclient = new soapclient($server_url.'/remote/index.php');

    // Username and Password of the remoting user (not identical
    // with the user to log into the web interface!)

    $parameters = array('user' => 'myuser',
    'pass' => 'mypassword');

    // Login into 42go Server
    $session_id = $soapclient->call('login',$parameters);

    // Error Check
    if($err = $soapclient->getError()) die("Error: ".$err);

    // Get Reseller List
    $params = array ( 'sid' => $session_id,
    'module' => 'reseller',
    'function' => 'reseller_list',
    'params' => '');

    $reseller_list = $soapclient->call('service',$params);
    // Error Check
    if($err = $soapclient->getError()) die("Error: ".$err);

    // 42go Server logout
    $soapclient->call('logout',array('sid' => $session_id));

    // Error Check
    if($err = $soapclient->getError()) die("Error: ".$err);

    echo "<br>Script end ...";


  8. mccharlet

    mccharlet Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I have find the problem.

    I have again installed "Remoting Framework " and recreate the user.

    Thanks for your help
  9. 3cwired_com

    3cwired_com New Member

    what was the problem that you found? because I think I might have the same problem.
  10. wojtek

    wojtek New Member

    has anyone found what the problem was ?

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