I propose this function for the remoting class. We can get the server config sections. It works well for me I comment the check permission part. Hope that helps to someone. Maybe it could be added in the class? PHP: // Get server details /** Gets the server configuration @param int session id @param int server id @param string section of the config field in the server table. Could be 'web', 'dns', 'mail', 'dns', 'cron', etc @author Julio Montoya <[email protected]> */ public function server_get($session_id, $server_id, $section ='') { global $app; /*if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'server_get')) { $this->server->fault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.'); return false; }*/ if (!empty($session_id) && !empty($server_id)) { $app->uses('remoting_lib , getconf'); $section_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($server_id,$section); return $section_config; } else { return false; } } If we call this function and we do a var_dump: var_dump($client->server_get(1,1,'web')); We will get something like this: PHP: array(13) { ["website_basedir"]=> string(8) "/var/www" ["website_path"]=> string(50) "/var/www/clients/client[client_id]/web[website_id]" ["website_symlinks"]=> string(79) "/var/www/[website_domain]/:/var/www/clients/client[client_id]/[website_domain]/" ["vhost_conf_dir"]=> string(28) "/etc/apache2/sites-available" ["vhost_conf_enabled_dir"]=> string(26) "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled" ["security_level"]=> string(2) "20" ["user"]=> string(8) "www-data" ["group"]=> string(8) "www-data" ["php_open_basedir"]=> string(140) "[website_path]/web:[website_path]/tmp:/var/www/[website_domain]/web:/srv/www/[website_domain]/web:/usr/share/php5:/tmp:/usr/share/phpmyadmin" ["htaccess_allow_override"]=> string(3) "All" ["apps_vhost_port"]=> string(4) "8081" ["apps_vhost_ip"]=> string(9) "_default_" ["apps_vhost_servername"]=> string(0) "" }