Hi Having a file as follows Code: ================================================== Date Time error code server ====================================================== [B]12-29-08 [/B] [B]10:10 [/B] 121221 [B]server A[/B] [B]12-29-08 [/B] [B]10:12 [/B] 121221 [B]server A[/B] 12-29-08 10:10 121221 server B 12-29-08 10:10 121221 server c Need to remove the duplicate lines with the following conditions if date=12-29-08 and server=server A . Must delete the line with old time and keep the latest. anyone can suggest Thanks in advance
Not really duplicate #!/bin/awk BEGIN { pattern = /^[[:digit:]]+-[[:digit:]]+-[[:digit:]]/; } $1 !~ pattern { print; } $1 ~ pattern { if ($1 != previous_date && previous_date != "" || $5 != previous_server && previous_server != "") { print previous_line; } previous_date = $1; previous_server = $5; previous_line = $0; } END { print previous_line; }