Remove Unetbootin popup not expected

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by ohmelovelo, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. ohmelovelo

    ohmelovelo New Member

    Running webserver on Win98SE. Want to improve security. Faced with $110 for XP Pro OEM or Linux, choosing Linux. I'm a definite newbie.

    Attempting install of Feisty. Get to request to reboot, click yes, reboots, no boot choice screen appears. Then, when Win98 comes up, popup asks if I want to remove unetbootin 7.04. AFAIK, it has never completed its installation.

    What to do next? TIA

    Crash Eddy
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Maybe Win98 isn't fully supported (although the UNetbootin site says "Microsoft Windows 95-XP")? :confused:
  3. ohmelovelo

    ohmelovelo New Member

    This thread has achieved the state of "nevermind". I DLed Ubuntu 7.04 ISO, burned it, and proceeded that way. Ubuntu is now installed. Thanks.

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