Please help. I decided to reinstall postfix to hopefully solve a problem i had with it. i done an apt-get remove postfix then apt-get install postfix when it went to remove postfix it shutdown msyqld and now Mysql isnt working!!! what have i done!???? what can i do>?
I cant even find mysqld! or run it... is everything lost? [edit] Well, I now know that everything is not lost. My Mysql folder is still there and I found all the tables and databases in there. But Mysqld is nowhere to be found and of course it is not running. So everything on my server is just sitting still. Please tell me how to get mysqld back up and running (or installed) and how to restore the databases - if i need to. [/edit]
Does /etc/init.d/mysql exist? If so, run Code: /etc/init.d/mysql start to start MySQL. If not, run Code: apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient12-dev to re-install MySQL.
mysql logs are empty and syslog doesnt seem to catch anything when I try to run or stop or restart mysql
I tried to apt-get install but i keep getting the error Strange considering my other computers on the Lan can reach it. If I do an nslookup with my server it is showing as the ip. I suppose there are more problems than just mysql. Perhaps a complete reinstall will fix (Debian & Ispconfig)?
Apache2 default page Ive got it all back up and running smooth except: whenever i goto one of my sites it goes to the apache2_default directory and displays the default apache2 index page. What do i need to change to fix this? (my sites are all there with their pages, but I cant see them because apache automatically re-routes me)
You will see this behaviour when an vhost can not be found or has the wrong IP address. If you are in a NAT enviroment, your websites must have private IP's assigned.