I have ISP Config and it's running well with apache, but i want to replace it with nginx since i heard nginx can handle high traffic website better than apache. Is there any updated documentation on how to replace apache with nginx in ISP config? Please note i already have couple websites running, so let me know if i also need to change config like vhost or something. Any help appreciated.
Maybe. That depends. Do you know how to configure nginx for maximum throughput? I would say that is too much trouble to do that way. Instead install a new ISPConfig host with the web server you like, and use Migration Tool https://www.ispconfig.org/add-ons/ispconfig-migration-tool/ to copy the data or manually move websites and mailboxes. If you still want to do it, use Internet Search engines with Code: site:howtoforge.com replace apache with nginx or ask ISPConfig business support for a quote for the job.