Replacing Dovecot with Courier on Fedora Core 5

Discussion in 'General' started by [email protected], Dec 14, 2006.


    [email protected] New Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I've installed Fedora Core 5 according to the Perfect Guide at

    I've now set up ISPConfig on top of this, and all is well.

    However, I'd like to set ISPConfig up so that email users can log in using their email addresses as found at

    But this mod says that I need Courier.

    Does anyone have some instructions for installing Courier on Fedora in a way that is compatable with ISPConfig? (ie I don't want virtual users etc that are described in one of the perfect guides).


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    As far as I know there's no Courier package available for Fedora Core 5, but you can check that yourself with
    yum search courier
    But you could try to add another repository as shown here:
    and then you install courier-imap only (not the courier-mysql packages!).

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