replacing servers in ISPConfig 3 multuserver setup

Discussion in 'General' started by Georgy Goshin, Jul 26, 2022.

  1. Georgy Goshin

    Georgy Goshin Member

    Hi all

    Need some advices, better even instructions.
    I'm running and ISPConfig 3.2.4 cluster made with CentOS 8 by a mistake. Some servers are damaged (RPM database is lost) so I can't even update it. Here is already a lot of sites and mail domains running and I would like to replace the CentOS 8 and I have to find the way to replace servers with another OS, I think to go to RHEL 8 or to CentOS 7. I'm tried to replace the web server without luck. I've installed another server, added it to the cluster with same ISPConfig version, with another name and ID, copied all databases, sites, fstab, passwd, groups, shadow to new server. Checked / updates database settings and usernames in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/ and /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ to be matched with the old server, chanded $conf['server_id'] and IP to the old one but in the cluster monitor I still see the new (temporary) server name name on new position and error status on the old server's place. What I had missed to copy / change? Can I just replace whole /usr/local/ispconfig folder on the new server (CentOS 7) with same folder from the old server (CentOS 8)? What is the correct way for such migration?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If a temporary server shall replace an existing server, then this temporary server should not be added to the cluster. It does not replace the old system if it's added as a new cluster member. Instead of adding it, install it as a standalone server. You'll probably have to remove the new server that you added manually now from master database. After copying over the system to the new server, you must run an ISPConfig update on the new server and force to reconfigure permissions in master database. If the copied server still does not start to pick up changes from master, use debug mode to find out why.
  3. Georgy Goshin

    Georgy Goshin Member

    Thanks for the advice, till
    I will use this newly created server as a test system then.
    Few questions before I'll try, my steps should be:

    a) install new server with temporary IP and configure is as a standalone ispconfig server with same version.
    b) copy all sites and databases from old to new, passwd, shadow, fstab, /var/log, /etc/httpd, let's encrypt folders in /root and /etc, crontab tasks of root user.
    should I copy an ispconfig database too?
    should I copy an /usr/local/ispconfig folder too?
    what else?
    c) run an ispconfig update using the same version distributive?

  4. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  5. Georgy Goshin

    Georgy Goshin Member

    Hi there!
    I've installed new server, installed all required servers, modules, php, etc, installed ispconfig standalone, copied or updated passwd, group, shadow, fstab. Copied /var/www, copied /usr/local/ispconfig, copied let's encrypt stuff and all databases, run ispconfig's update and everything seems working. All sites working, new sites being created.
    Only one think I see is REDHAT UNKNOWN in the monitor tab

    Server: ispce.*****.com (Redhat Unknown) ISPConfig 3.2.4
    [root@ispce ~]# more /etc/redhat-release
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.6 (Ootpa)

    Is it just unknown version for 3.2.4 or this is an issue to investigate?
  6. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    3.2.4 is not ISPConfig latest update.

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