Replication error in Mysql

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by afaylona, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. afaylona

    afaylona New Member

    Good Day!I'm a newbie here and I'm not sure if I post this on the correct category. anyway, I have a problems in mysql replication. I have servermaster and serverSlave. ABout last 3 days ago mysql replication server failed. But I was able to resolve the problem by doing a "reset slave". then a start slave command in mysql command prompt. for about 30 mins it was working fine and started updating tables(I guess). but after 30 mins the replication popped an error again, the disk is full, so I have to stop the slave and increase the size of the disk. After doing a start slave again on mysql the error was this .
    [ERROR] Slave: Error 'Duplicate entry '23858319' for key 1' on query. Default database: 'friendster_gateway'. Query: 'insert into charge_status_log (msg_id, access_code, phone, result, tariff, session, carrier, log_date, log_time) values ('27613660', '247', '639164226868', '21', 'CHG0250', 'SESSION4126CDC9795D97350515AB8B4', '92', curdate(), curtime())', Error_code: 1062

    How will I resolve the problem. the last error no is 1062.

    Please help me with my problem
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The cleanest way to solve this is to set up replication from scratch again.

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