[Repo] OpenVZ RPMs for Debian

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by MaddinXx, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. MaddinXx

    MaddinXx Member

    Hi there

    Some of you might be aware of the fact that RPMs can easily be converted to DEBs using alien - as long as there are no heavy dependencies etc.

    Since Debian (Squeeze) has very outdated OpenVZ packages, I decided to take a look at the OpenVZ wiki and found out, that the RPMs can be used on Debian without fear as well (http://wiki.openvz.org/Install_kernel_from_RPM_on_Debian_6.0). So I tried them and in fact, they are very stable - and you get ploop support and more.

    However, it's not that cool to go through the process over and over (converting / copying) so I created a package repository for the converted RPMs letting me install them on all servers without a pain.

    I thought it might be of interest for some of you too, so here are the details you need to start using the repo:

    1. Supported
    Debian Squeeze amd64
    Debian Squeeze i386
    (Ubuntu and other .deb based distors may be supported too)

    2. Add public GPG key
    wget http://packages.rackster-server.ch/key.asc
    apt-key add key.asc

    3. Add repository
    nano /etc/apt/sources.list
    and add: http://packages.rackster-server.ch/debian stable main

    4. Update
    apt-get update
    apt-get install <package>

    5. Available packages
    * libcgroup
    * libcgroup-devel
    * libcgroup-pam
    * ploop
    * ploop-devel
    * ploop-lib
    * vzctl
    * vzctl-core
    * vzkernel
    * vzkernel-debug
    * vzkernel-debug-devel
    * vzkernel-devel
    * vzkernel-firmware
    * vzkernel-headers
    * vzquota

    I did nothing other than the alien process/command listed in the OpenVZ wiki - so absolutely no credits to me! ;)

    As I didn't find any information about if it's allowed to run a package repository containing their packages, I wrote the Parallels support (still awaiting an answer), but I don't see a problem in it.
    However, if I get news - I'll let you know.

    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  2. MaddinXx

    MaddinXx Member

    I have added i386 packages as well - and also a package called "openvz" which does nothing other than installing all it's dependencies (which are the packages required to run OpenVZ).

    You can install it by running apt-get install openvz.

    Anyway, I tested all packages on Debian 6 i386/amd64 and Ubuntu 12.04/amd64, but I would really appreciate it if someone else could test the packages on a server he can reset any time.


    //edit: Some packages need to be fixed - libcgroup + parted dependencies etc. will be up later.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2012

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