Hi there Some of you might be aware of the fact that RPMs can easily be converted to DEBs using alien - as long as there are no heavy dependencies etc. Since Debian (Squeeze) has very outdated OpenVZ packages, I decided to take a look at the OpenVZ wiki and found out, that the RPMs can be used on Debian without fear as well (http://wiki.openvz.org/Install_kernel_from_RPM_on_Debian_6.0). So I tried them and in fact, they are very stable - and you get ploop support and more. However, it's not that cool to go through the process over and over (converting / copying) so I created a package repository for the converted RPMs letting me install them on all servers without a pain. I thought it might be of interest for some of you too, so here are the details you need to start using the repo: 1. Supported ------------ Debian Squeeze amd64 Debian Squeeze i386 (Ubuntu and other .deb based distors may be supported too) 2. Add public GPG key --------------------- wget http://packages.rackster-server.ch/key.asc apt-key add key.asc 3. Add repository ----------------- nano /etc/apt/sources.list and add: http://packages.rackster-server.ch/debian stable main 4. Update --------- apt-get update apt-get install <package> 5. Available packages --------------------- * libcgroup * libcgroup-devel * libcgroup-pam * ploop * ploop-devel * ploop-lib * vzctl * vzctl-core * vzkernel * vzkernel-debug * vzkernel-debug-devel * vzkernel-devel * vzkernel-firmware * vzkernel-headers * vzquota I did nothing other than the alien process/command listed in the OpenVZ wiki - so absolutely no credits to me! As I didn't find any information about if it's allowed to run a package repository containing their packages, I wrote the Parallels support (still awaiting an answer), but I don't see a problem in it. However, if I get news - I'll let you know. Regards, Michel
I have added i386 packages as well - and also a package called "openvz" which does nothing other than installing all it's dependencies (which are the packages required to run OpenVZ). You can install it by running apt-get install openvz. Anyway, I tested all packages on Debian 6 i386/amd64 and Ubuntu 12.04/amd64, but I would really appreciate it if someone else could test the packages on a server he can reset any time. Thanks! //edit: Some packages need to be fixed - libcgroup + parted dependencies etc. will be up later.