REQ: Debian secure mail server for LAN

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by marquis, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. marquis

    marquis New Member

    Hi everyone,

    I've tried to configure some of the tutorials here, but can't find anything that would be appropriate for my type of setup.

    I'd like specifically to have something that I could use from home using my cablemodem ISP. I'd like to use secure smtp and pop3/imap from outsite my network, as the default ports are blocked from my ISP. And don't really feel like installing a vpn or ssh port forwarding.

    I would also like to have the server download email from my various external accounts into my local linux account on the server using fetchmail (unless there is something better). Once downloaded, I'd like it to scan for viruses and spam, and trash or quarantine whatever spam it finds.

    So far, all the turorials seem to be for servers with dedicated ip addresses, I have a dynamic IP, is that a problem? Also, all the tutorials are geared for initial setup...

    Any ideas?


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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