Resellers can't change clients websites IP

Discussion in 'General' started by p.a, Nov 3, 2009.

  1. p.a

    p.a New Member


    I am using OpenSuse 11.1 with ISPConfig
    Since ISPConfig version 3 I can't let * as IP for websites. To make it work I have to select the server's IP for each website.
    The problem is, I can do that as admin or as client but I can't do it with a reseller account (it only shows *).
    Second problem maybe linked to the first ?
    After having applied the latests updates, my resellers see their clients but when going to website creation or clicking on the client's website the client listbox only shows the reseller name and one client's name.

    Hope someone can help.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please post a bugreport in the bugtracker so it get tested.

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