Reset Web stats for site

Discussion in 'General' started by The General, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. The General

    The General New Member

    sys: fedora core 6, ISPConfig 2.2.11

    Is there a way to reset webalizer stats for a single website?
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    I don''t know if you mean this with "Reset", but you can delete the content within the /stats folder within the your /web folder.
  3. The General

    The General New Member

    thanks Hans,

    I did that but stats page still shows all MB amounts used. What i did is deleted the site, re-set it up and uploaded all files again. still would be worth finding out about how to do it though because it's a hell of a way of getting stats reset quickly.

    Maybe a good little addition for 2.2.12 !!

    A stats reset option with confirmation button?
  4. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Maybe a nice function indeed.

    But, you are not talking about Webalizer...

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