[RESOLVED] vlibTemplate error blocks cron job

Discussion in 'General' started by psyray, May 7, 2015.

  1. psyray

    psyray New Member


    On ISPConfig, latest version (, the cron job is not working.

    Cron log show this error (php error log -set to error all- too with no other error)
    jeudi 7 mai 2015, 10:23:05 (UTC+0200) PHP Fatal error: vlibTemplate Error: Parse error!<br>To debug this file, use vlibTemplateDebug instead of vlibTemplate in the class instantiation(i.e. new vlibTemplateDebug). in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/tpl_error.inc.php on line 84

    Ispconfig log show this one
    07.05.2015-10:23 - DEBUG - Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock
    07.05.2015-10:23 - DEBUG - Found 1 changes, starting update process.
    07.05.2015-10:23 - DEBUG - Calling function 'ssl' from plugin 'apache2_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_insert'.
    07.05.2015-10:23 - DEBUG - Calling function 'insert' from plugin 'apache2_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_insert'.
    07.05.2015-10:23 - DEBUG - exec: chown -R web6:client0 /var/www/clients/client0/web6/web
    07.05.2015-10:23 - DEBUG - exec: chown web6:client0 /var/www/clients/client0/web6/web
    07.05.2015-10:23 - DEBUG - exec: usermod --groups sshusers web6 2>/dev/null
    07.05.2015-10:24 - DEBUG - There is already a lockfile set. Waiting another 10 seconds...
    07.05.2015-10:24 - DEBUG - There is already a lockfile set. Waiting another 10 seconds...
    07.05.2015-10:24 - DEBUG - There is already a lockfile set. Waiting another 10 seconds...
    07.05.2015-10:24 - DEBUG - There is already a lockfile set. Waiting another 10 seconds...
    07.05.2015-10:24 - DEBUG - There is already a lockfile set. Waiting another 10 seconds...
    07.05.2015-10:24 - DEBUG - There is already a lockfile set. Waiting another 10 seconds...
    07.05.2015-10:24 - DEBUG - There is already a lockfile set. Waiting another 10 seconds...
    07.05.2015-10:25 - DEBUG - There is already an instance of server.php running. Exiting.
    07.05.2015-10:25 - DEBUG - There is already a lockfile set. Waiting another 10 seconds...

    Tried to debug following your process (stop the cron job, and launch script from shell), same error.

    After this error I need to kill server.php process, that was still running, and remove lockfile to launch another test.

    My platform is :
    Debian Wheezy 7.8
    PHP 5.5.24-1~dotdeb+wheezy.1 (cli) (built: Apr 22 2015 05:54:24)
    Apache 2.2.22

    I have no custom script.
    The problem occurs while trying to add a website domain (maybe other action may cause the problem, I didn't test).
    While clicking on add, it automatically creates an entry in the sys_datalog table, and before I click on save the cron job launch in background, and the vlibTemplate error is reported and the script hang, and loop.

    Here is the db record that causing trouble
    INSERT INTO `sys_datalog` (`datalog_id`, `server_id`, `dbtable`, `dbidx`, `action`, `tstamp`, `user`, `data`, `status`, `error`) VALUES
    (80, 1, 'web_domain', 'domain_id:6', 'i', 1430973086, 'admin', 'a:2:{s:3:"new";a:70:{s:9:"domain_id";s:1:"6";s:10:"sys_userid";s:1:"1";s:11:"sys_groupid";s:1:"0";s:13:"sys_perm_user";s:4:"riud";s:14:"sys_perm_group";s:2:"ru";s:14:"sys_perm_other";s:0:"";s:9:"server_id";s:1:"1";s:10:"ip_address";s:1:"*";s:12:"ipv6_address";s:0:"";s:6:"domain";s:11:"cdn1.xxx.fr";s:4:"type";s:5:"vhost";s:16:"parent_domain_id";s:1:"0";s:10:"vhost_type";s:4:"name";s:13:"document_root";s:29:"/var/www/clients/client0/web6";s:10:"web_folder";N;s:11:"system_user";s:4:"web6";s:12:"system_group";s:7:"client0";s:8:"hd_quota";s:2:"-1";s:13:"traffic_quota";s:2:"-1";s:3:"cgi";s:1:"n";s:3:"ssi";s:1:"n";s:6:"suexec";s:1:"y";s:9:"errordocs";s:1:"1";s:15:"is_subdomainwww";s:1:"1";s:9:"subdomain";s:4:"none";s:3:"php";s:2:"no";s:4:"ruby";s:1:"n";s:6:"python";s:1:"n";s:4:"perl";s:1:"n";s:13:"redirect_type";N;s:13:"redirect_path";N;s:12:"seo_redirect";N;s:3:"ssl";s:1:"n";s:9:"ssl_state";N;s:12:"ssl_locality";N;s:16:"ssl_organisation";N;s:21:"ssl_organisation_unit";N;s:11:"ssl_country";N;s:10:"ssl_domain";N;s:11:"ssl_request";N;s:8:"ssl_cert";N;s:10:"ssl_bundle";N;s:7:"ssl_key";N;s:10:"ssl_action";N;s:14:"stats_password";N;s:10:"stats_type";s:9:"webalizer";s:14:"allow_override";s:3:"All";s:17:"apache_directives";N;s:16:"nginx_directives";N;s:18:"php_fpm_use_socket";s:1:"y";s:2:"pm";s:7:"dynamic";s:15:"pm_max_children";s:2:"10";s:16:"pm_start_servers";s:1:"2";s:20:"pm_min_spare_servers";s:1:"1";s:20:"pm_max_spare_servers";s:1:"5";s:23:"pm_process_idle_timeout";s:2:"10";s:15:"pm_max_requests";s:1:"0";s:16:"php_open_basedir";s:249:"/var/www/clients/client0/web6/web:/var/www/clients/client0/web6/private:/var/www/clients/client0/web6/tmp:/var/www/cdn1.xxx.fr/web:/srv/www/cdn1.xxx.fr/web:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php:/tmp:/usr/share/phpmyadmin:/etc/phpmyadmin:/var/lib/phpmyadmin";s:14:"custom_php_ini";N;s:15:"backup_interval";s:4:"none";s:13:"backup_copies";s:1:"1";s:15:"backup_excludes";N;s:6:"active";s:1:"y";s:18:"traffic_quota_lock";s:1:"n";s:19:"fastcgi_php_version";s:0:"";s:16:"proxy_directives";N;s:23:"last_quota_notification";N;s:13:"rewrite_rules";N;s:10:"added_date";s:10:"0000-00-00";s:8:"added_by";s:5:"admin";}s:3:"old";a:70:{s:9:"domain_id";N;s:10:"sys_userid";N;s:11:"sys_groupid";N;s:13:"sys_perm_user";N;s:14:"sys_perm_group";N;s:14:"sys_perm_other";s:0:"";s:9:"server_id";N;s:10:"ip_address";N;s:12:"ipv6_address";s:0:"";s:6:"domain";N;s:4:"type";N;s:16:"parent_domain_id";N;s:10:"vhost_type";N;s:13:"document_root";N;s:10:"web_folder";N;s:11:"system_user";N;s:12:"system_group";N;s:8:"hd_quota";N;s:13:"traffic_quota";N;s:3:"cgi";N;s:3:"ssi";N;s:6:"suexec";N;s:9:"errordocs";N;s:15:"is_subdomainwww";N;s:9:"subdomain";N;s:3:"php";N;s:4:"ruby";N;s:6:"python";N;s:4:"perl";N;s:13:"redirect_type";N;s:13:"redirect_path";N;s:12:"seo_redirect";N;s:3:"ssl";N;s:9:"ssl_state";N;s:12:"ssl_locality";N;s:16:"ssl_organisation";N;s:21:"ssl_organisation_unit";N;s:11:"ssl_country";N;s:10:"ssl_domain";N;s:11:"ssl_request";N;s:8:"ssl_cert";N;s:10:"ssl_bundle";N;s:7:"ssl_key";N;s:10:"ssl_action";N;s:14:"stats_password";N;s:10:"stats_type";N;s:14:"allow_override";N;s:17:"apache_directives";N;s:16:"nginx_directives";N;s:18:"php_fpm_use_socket";N;s:2:"pm";N;s:15:"pm_max_children";N;s:16:"pm_start_servers";N;s:20:"pm_min_spare_servers";N;s:20:"pm_max_spare_servers";N;s:23:"pm_process_idle_timeout";N;s:15:"pm_max_requests";N;s:16:"php_open_basedir";N;s:14:"custom_php_ini";N;s:15:"backup_interval";N;s:13:"backup_copies";N;s:15:"backup_excludes";N;s:6:"active";N;s:18:"traffic_quota_lock";N;s:19:"fastcgi_php_version";s:0:"";s:16:"proxy_directives";N;s:23:"last_quota_notification";N;s:13:"rewrite_rules";N;s:10:"added_date";N;s:8:"added_by";N;}}', 'ok', NULL);

    Tell me if you nedd more info

    Thanks for help
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This error occurs when there is a typo in a config file template. There is no such error in the default release templates as this would occur on every install so ten thousands of users would not be able to create a website, so there must be a customized or altered template in your installation. Please post the output of:

    ls -la /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/
  3. psyray

    psyray New Member

    ls -la /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/
    total 28
    drwxr-s--- 6 root root 4096 mai 7 05:17 .
    drwxr-s--- 13 root root 4096 mai 7 06:13 ..
    -rwxr-x--- 1 root root 45 févr. 26 23:57 empty.dir
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 mai 7 05:17 error
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 févr. 26 17:47 index
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 févr. 26 17:47 install
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 févr. 26 17:47 mail
  4. psyray

    psyray New Member

    ls -Rla /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom/
    total 28
    drwxr-s--- 6 root root 4096 mai 7 05:17 .
    drwxr-s--- 13 root root 4096 mai 7 06:13 ..
    -rwxr-x--- 1 root root 45 févr. 26 23:57 empty.dir
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 mai 7 05:17 error
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 févr. 26 17:47 index
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 févr. 26 17:47 install
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 févr. 26 17:47 mail

    total 12
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 mai 7 05:17 .
    drwxr-s--- 6 root root 4096 mai 7 05:17 ..
    -rwxr-x--- 1 root root 45 févr. 26 23:57 empty.dir

    total 12
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 févr. 26 17:47 .
    drwxr-s--- 6 root root 4096 mai 7 05:17 ..
    -rwxr-x--- 1 root root 45 févr. 26 23:57 empty.dir

    total 12
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 févr. 26 17:47 .
    drwxr-s--- 6 root root 4096 mai 7 05:17 ..
    -rwxr-x--- 1 root root 45 févr. 26 23:57 empty.dir

    total 12
    drwxr-s--- 2 root root 4096 févr. 26 17:47 .
    drwxr-s--- 6 root root 4096 mai 7 05:17 ..
    -rwxr-x--- 1 root root 45 févr. 26 23:57 empty.dir
  5. psyray

    psyray New Member

    No template, so is there another place where this error can occurs ?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, so no custom templates. Did you alter a file in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/ ? Please check modification dates with ls -la
  7. psyray

    psyray New Member

    Yes !!! I think this is where the error come.

    I modified the vhost.conf.master a few month ago to change apache port because I use nginx as reverse proxy for apache, but as I change the apache vhost config file directly too, I didn't see the cron log error. And until tomorrow, I didn't made any change to admin.

    Nginx handle request (on port 80) and apache process the data (on port 82)
    I didn't found in the backend the possibility to change this value for both http and https

    Here is my modification
    --- /home/xxx/vhost.conf.master
    +++ /home/xxx/vhost.conf.master.orig
    @@ -10,12 +10,7 @@
    <tmpl_loop name="vhosts">
    -<tmpl_if name='port' op='==' value='80'>
    - <VirtualHost {tmpl_var name='ip_address'}:82>
    -<tmpl_if name='port' op='==' value='443'>
    - <VirtualHost {tmpl_var name='ip_address'}:444>
    +<VirtualHost {tmpl_var name='ip_address'}:{tmpl_var name='port'}>
    <tmpl_if name='php' op='==' value='suphp'>
    DocumentRoot <tmpl_var name='web_document_root'>
    @@ -393,4 +388,4 @@
    <tmpl_var name='apache_directives'>

    My code is wrong, I put an opening if before the closing if after the 444 VirtualHost line. No comment .... :confused:

    Is there a way to change apache port without editing this file ?
    Admin ? custom script ?

    In this thread you say "you have to set the value hardcoded"
    But how can I do, what's the best practice in this case ?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The templates are made for editing, so thats not the ispconfig source. The main problem is that you edited the template in place instead of leaving the default template intect and store your modified copy in conf-custom folder instead. Files in conf-custom override files in conf.
  9. psyray

    psyray New Member

    Thanks for reply.
    It's not possible to change port in admin ?
    I need to override the template ?
    If this is the only way I will revert back the default template to original and override in conf-custom.
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


  11. psyray

    psyray New Member

    Thank you so much for help.
    You're the man ;)

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