Resources/additions for ISPConfig 3

Discussion in 'General' started by khayjake, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. khayjake

    khayjake Member


    I've just bought a new server and would like to install ISPConfig on top of Debian Lenny from scratch.

    I am new to ispconfig 3. I have been running ispconfig 2.

    I had a few basic questions.

    Do the ISPConfig 2 package files work for ispconfig 3? Other than these forums, are there any resources for ispconfig 3 add-ons, development etc. etfc...

    Also, I'd like to know all of you who've used ISPConfig 2 and 3, and what you've noticed as far as the advantages ISPConfig 3 has given you over ispconfig 2.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer



    - virtual mail users
    - fastcgi support
    - multiserver support
  3. khayjake

    khayjake Member

    Multi-Server support ISPConfig 3 and 2 & Remoting Framework

    Thanks for the straight forward answers Till.

    I have a few more questions if you have a minute regarding multi-server support and remoting/autosignup in ispconfig3.

    I noticed even in ISPConfig 2 they have Server1 Server2 options.

    Can I get an ISPConfig 3 server to work on the same LAN as an ISPConfig 2 server...for example the one i have up now in my Cage & rackspace...

    Also, I've done alot of work on the Remoting Framework (which i should probably upload via svn if i knew where to put the files) as far as keeping new variables up to date with new additions and options that have been added for domains/webs etc.. on new releases and upgrades for ISPConfig stable...

    I've also done alot of work on the database driven ISPConfig Billing System with autosignup and the regular autosignup/remoting scripts and forms.

    Will the Remoting Framework work with ISPConfig 3, or is there any other type of option to allow instant account creation on enrollment such as the remoting framework and autosignup scripts work with ispconfig 2?

    More power too ya Till! oh cousin kextra1 told me to say hello to ya!

    He said yesterday that "Till, Hans, & Falko" are the best ISPConfig developers he's met so far :) lol.

    Thanks for the insight fellas....keep up the good work!

    pr0pz to the ispconfig krew.... . . . . . .. . .:D

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    These are not connected, ISPConfig 2 is not multi server capable.

    Sure, why not? One server never influences other servers.

    ISPConfig 3 will have a remoting framework in future versions but it will not be compatible with the remoting framework of v2.

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