Resources requirements and trimming features

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by bennyb, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. bennyb

    bennyb New Member

    Good day friends.
    I am newb and don't know much about linux.
    I have a few busy sites hosted on cpanel hosting .This year I decided to go with bigger VPS . They don't offer a panel so I was wondering if this would be a good alternative to host my domains.
    What I need is a simple way GUI to add domains,use phpMyadmin, set up emails,set up cron jobs and prevent hotlinking.
    I have a virtual server with ubuntu 10.04 which has 1.5 gb ram and two core 1.7 ghz processor. Will this panel use alot of resources?
    Is manual that's offered for 5 euro explains in details how to install it through terminal?
    Can this panel be trimmed to preserve resources? because all I need is ability to add domains and above mentioned tasks.

    I hope not too many questions at once:)

    Seasonal Greetings!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are you referring to ISPConfig 3? Yes, I think it's a good choice, and it doesn't need lots of resources. For installation instructions please refer to one of the "Perfect Server" guides that are linked here:

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