restore database in multiserver setup fails to find the backup file

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by pinkfeet, Dec 10, 2020.

  1. pinkfeet

    pinkfeet Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi all,

    i'm seeing this problem when restoring a database in multiserver setup in db servers. When the job is executed in db servers It seems like the web folder id in /var/backup is not used and therefore the file is not finded.

    Thu Dec 10 12:20:01 CET 2020 10.12.2020-12:20 - DEBUG - Calling function 'backup_action' from plugin 'backup_plugin' raised by action 'backup_restore'.
    Thu Dec 10 12:20:01 CET 2020 10.12.2020-12:20 - DEBUG - Restoring MySQL backup /var/backup/web/db_c835aps1_2020-12-02_06-31.sql.gz, backup format "gzip", backup mode "sqlgz"
    Thu Dec 10 12:20:01 CET 2020 10.12.2020-12:20 - ERROR - Failed to process MySQL backup /var/backup/web/db_c835aps1_2020-12-02_06-31.sql.gz
    The backup is located in
    But when using the restore button it tries to restore
    Did you seen this behavior before ?

    Thanks in advance guys
  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which version of ISPConfig are you running?
  3. pinkfeet

    pinkfeet Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Right, i'm sorry, i forget that, i'm using 3.2.1 in all servers.
  4. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  5. pinkfeet

    pinkfeet Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks Th0m, that fixes the bug:
    Thu Dec 10 14:24:01 CET 2020 10.12.2020-14:24 - DEBUG - Calling function 'backup_action' from plugin 'backup_plugin' raised by action 'backup_restore'.
    Thu Dec 10 14:24:02 CET 2020 10.12.2020-14:24 - DEBUG - Restoring MySQL backup /var/backup/web2274/db_c820ddbb998877_2020-09-27_02-47.sql.gz, backup format "gzip", backup mode "sqlgz"
    Thu Dec 10 14:24:04 CET 2020 10.12.2020-14:24 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: gunzip --stdout '/var/backup/web2274/db_c820ddbb998877_2020-09-27_02-47.sql.gz' | mysql -h 'localhost' -u 'root' -p'xxxxx' 'c820ddbb998877' - return code: 0
    Thu Dec 10 14:24:04 CET 2020 10.12.2020-14:24 - DEBUG - Restored MySQL backup /var/backup/web2274/db_c820ddbb998877_2020-09-27_02-47.sql.gz
  6. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Good to hear. It will be fixed in 3.2.2.

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