Restore web/ftp server after failed OS upgrade

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Entangled, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Entangled

    Entangled Member


    I attempted to upgrade from Wheezy to Jessie on a web/ftp server. The upgrade went without errors however the server failed to come up after a reboot. I installed a fresh copy of Jessie, now I have an issue ISConfig.

    I have a multiple server in the environment: with 1 ISPConfig CP server, 2 mySQL servers, 2 email servers and several Apache/FTP web servers. All web server basically are setup the same: an OS/Primary drive, an 2nd "site" drive and a 3rd "backup" drive.

    I reloaded the OS with Jessie. I attempt to install ISPConfig using Stable however I got mySQL errors about fields/tables not in the Master (or something like that). I deleted the dbispconfig db on the web server and did an install of 3.0.5P9. It installed with no errors, however, the CP showed 2 new servers. Using the CP, I deleted the new servers.

    I restored the servers' dbs. The mySQL log show the CP connecting every minute. However, Resync does nothing. I had to nano /etc/passwd & group, and copy /etc/apache2/sites-available & sites-enable in order to get the sites back online. I can not get pure-ftp to log in.

    When I attempt is change the FTP password or Disable/Enable site, the commands are just queued:

    The following changes are not yet populated to all servers:
    Update FTP user: 1
    Update website settings: 2
    Storing updates can take up to one minute. Please be patient.

    That is how the server sits for now.

    I have tar backups of /etc/, /var/, /usr/ and mysqldump all-databases before the upgrade.

    I look but could not find anything: how do you restore an ISPConfig Web/FTP server after a crash or in my case, a failed upgrade?

    Thank you.
  2. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    You need to rerun the ISPConfig install routine and have all services reconfigured. E.g. before you had apache 2.2 and now apache 2.4. The syntax change in various aspects... not sure about ftp though.
  3. Entangled

    Entangled Member

    Thank you ... Thank you.

    I tried doing an ISPConfig update.php, but, that did not work. The was wrong:

    1) had wrong server server ID
    2) had the wrong password

    I nano the changes, but, it still did not work because I am assuming it was because the version: was being updated to version:

    I renamed /usr/local/ispconfig/ -> ispconfig. and copied /usr/local/ispconfig/ from the backup which was from version

    I reran the ISPConfig update.php and reconfigured all services. I changed a FTP password using the CP and FTP access was granted. And the CP Monitor shows this server running Jessie.

    Appreciate the help.

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