I am trying to restore ISPConfig on a box which already had ISPConfig on it...however it's broken. I've backed up the ISPConfig master data, user/client database data & web content, etc. etc... All I can find regarding how to RESTORE backed up data to fix a broken ISPConfig machine is all this crap about moving ispconfig. I shouldnt have to mess with /etc/passwd /etc/shadow if im on the same box right? Also....what is the name of the file that redirects all the domains to their homepage instead of the regular apache2-default index page? That info would be very helpful at this point.
If you had made a backup, just restore the directories /root/ispconfig, /home/admispconfig and the mysql database. ISPConfig is very robust, its enough to just restore these 3 parts and it will work again.
I just tried restoring the ispconfig database backup (that is saved in /tmp) and I got the following error message HTML: server1:/tmp # mysql -uroot -p123abc -hlocalhost ispconfig < existing_db_04_04_2009__10_31_54.sql ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 22: Table 'ispconfig.del_status' doesn't exist What can I do to restore the database? I just saw that /var/lib/mysql/ispconfig/ is empty and contains no tables :-(
Load the sql dump that comes with ispconfig in the database first to create the database tables, then empty all tables and restore the data from the file existing_db_04_04_2009__10_31_54.sql
Hey Till, that is exactly what I did yesterday and it all worked out fine. ISPConfig is really a very robust system. Thanks for your help. -Eddie