I followed the install instructions of SNMPD from here... http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/snmp.htm It seems to work but only returns limited information. How do I get it to show up more things like the CPU usage, and hdd free space? When I do a test I currently get... Code: glockb@arcas:~$ snmpwalk localhost -c public -v1 SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Linux arcas.whatever.com 2.6.15-26-server #1 SMP Fri Sep 8 21:00:37 UTC 2006 i686 SNMPv2-MIB::sysObjectID.0 = OID: NET-SNMP-MIB::netSnmpAgentOIDs.10 SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (835560) 2:19:15.60 SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0 = STRING: Root <root@localhost> (configure /etc/snmp/snmpd.local.conf) SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: arcas.whatever.com SNMPv2-MIB::sysLocation.0 = STRING: Unknown (configure /etc/snmp/snmpd.local.conf) SNMPv2-MIB::sysORLastChange.0 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00 SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID.1 = OID: IF-MIB::ifMIB SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID.2 = OID: SNMPv2-MIB::snmpMIB SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID.3 = OID: TCP-MIB::tcpMIB SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID.4 = OID: IP-MIB::ip SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID.5 = OID: UDP-MIB::udpMIB SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID.6 = OID: SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB::vacmBasicGroup SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID.7 = OID: SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB::snmpFrameworkMIBCompliance SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID.8 = OID: SNMP-MPD-MIB::snmpMPDCompliance SNMPv2-MIB::sysORID.9 = OID: SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB::usmMIBCompliance SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr.1 = STRING: The MIB module to describe generic objects for network interface sub-layers SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr.2 = STRING: The MIB module for SNMPv2 entities SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr.3 = STRING: The MIB module for managing TCP implementations SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr.4 = STRING: The MIB module for managing IP and ICMP implementations SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr.5 = STRING: The MIB module for managing UDP implementations SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr.6 = STRING: View-based Access Control Model for SNMP. SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr.7 = STRING: The SNMP Management Architecture MIB. SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr.8 = STRING: The MIB for Message Processing and Dispatching. SNMPv2-MIB::sysORDescr.9 = STRING: The management information definitions for the SNMP User-based Security Model. SNMPv2-MIB::sysORUpTime.1 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00 SNMPv2-MIB::sysORUpTime.2 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00 SNMPv2-MIB::sysORUpTime.3 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00 SNMPv2-MIB::sysORUpTime.4 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00 SNMPv2-MIB::sysORUpTime.5 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00 SNMPv2-MIB::sysORUpTime.6 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00 SNMPv2-MIB::sysORUpTime.7 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00 SNMPv2-MIB::sysORUpTime.8 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00 SNMPv2-MIB::sysORUpTime.9 = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00