Reverse DNS + SPF and ISPConfig as my DNS Server

Discussion in 'General' started by yurtboy1, Nov 5, 2007.

  1. yurtboy1

    yurtboy1 New Member

    So I've read the how to on Godaddy and making ISPConfig the dns server.
    Overall I am going to do this in hopes of better domain name settings so the Gmail and Hotmail no longer put me in the junk mail.
    Gmail now works for the most part since I did a SPF setting via Godaddy.
    And Yahoo works great because of that. (even now with my CiviMail program!)
    But I want to make sure my reverse DNS is done right and later Domain Key as well.
    This way I will have.
    1. SPF done right
    2. Reverse DNS done right
    3. Domain Key working
    For all domains I host.
    So the question is, as I take the final plunge, Falko's tutorial seems to be using an older godaddy.
    Using the new Godaddy I entered the and into their system so now I can use that for any of the clients I have via godaddy's dns registration.
    So by doing the above I should be able to go into the godaddy account and set dns servers to and and then all the other accounts to the same so they get their Settings now from my ispconfig server(s)? Leaving no DNS Server settings in between the domain name and these ispconfig settings?
    Just want to make sure.
    Falko's very usefull tutorial can be seen at
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, thats sounds fine. Just make sure that the records for and are not removed.

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