Reverse proxy

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by SergiX44, May 27, 2016.

  1. SergiX44

    SergiX44 Member

    Hi! I have a configuration problem:
    I want to make a subdomain that make a reverse proxy with a tomcat server:
    sub.domain.tld --> localhost:8080 (a tomcat server)
    How i can setup this on ispconfig?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Nginx or apache web server?
  3. SergiX44

    SergiX44 Member

    It's an Apache web server.
    I solved creating a new subdomain for website, with the redirect type proxy using the directive ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse
  4. you can also just put the proxy pass and proxypassreverse in the apache directives of the subdomain options

    That might also be what you just did ;-)
    SergiX44 likes this.
  5. SergiX44

    SergiX44 Member

    Sorry to bring back up this thread, but i have another problem:
    The "Options" tab, when i create a subdomain (Subdomain for website) not showing up anymore:
    So, i cannot add in the apache directives the proxypass etc directives
  6. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    It seems that only a reseller can access the Options tab of a website if the `Reseller can use the option-tab for websites` setting is enabled, and I don't see Options under a subdomain at all, nor under an alias domain. I haven't tried to confirm but I believe the solution would be to create an alias domain then use the apache directives in the main website's Options tab (just put an <If> conditional to match HTTP_HOST if it should only apply to one name and not the other).
  7. SergiX44

    SergiX44 Member

    mmh, where i can find this option, because the problem is that i'm the admin and not a user :eek:
  8. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    That setting is under System > Main Config. But as the setting indicates, I think it is only for resellers; if you don't have Options as the control panel admin, I don't know that it will change anything (I don't know how to turn that off/on for an admin).
  9. SergiX44

    SergiX44 Member

    I can't find this settings in my main config (i'm on ispc 3.0.x). This not have sense, i've used subdomain proxypass some time ago.
  10. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Oh, my mistake, I'm looking at 3.1. I don't have a 3.0 system to refer to offhand, sorry.
  11. SergiX44

    SergiX44 Member

    I've upgraded to 3.1 final in this moment. Now i see the options tab but, when i click on it the textarea disapper instantly.

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