rkhunter file properties changed

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Tom John, Apr 21, 2022.

  1. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi guys,
    i am using ubuntu 20.04 and ispconfig according the perfect server.
    i get a message from rkhunter as follows:
    Warning: The file properties have changed:
             File: /usr/bin/bash
             Current hash: 025cf78cd9d276019e916b97b0decd10cacb14902db8eb9f28233019babfb331
             Stored hash : 04a484f27a4b485b28451923605d9b528453d6c098a5a5112bec859fb5f2eea9
             Current inode: 9437586    Stored inode: 9437561
             Current file modification time: 1650273286 (18-Apr-2022 11:14:46)
             Stored file modification time : 1592495095 (18-Jun-2020 17:44:55)
    Warning: The file properties have changed:
             File: /usr/bin/sh
             Current hash: 025cf78cd9d276019e916b97b0decd10cacb14902db8eb9f28233019babfb331
             Stored hash : 04a484f27a4b485b28451923605d9b528453d6c098a5a5112bec859fb5f2eea9
    I want to check if the file which changed was changed during automatic updates
    i installed unattended-upgrades so the upgrades are done automatically.
    with the command:
    less /var/log/apt/history.log
    i check if there was an automated update at that day but it was not the case.
    How can i find out if this was a regular update or if someone else changed this file?
    rkhunter --propupd is a solution but i want to know what did cause this change of the file to keep the server more secure.
    thanks in advance for your great help
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    The modification time is from a couple days ago, maybe it would be in /var/log/apt/history.1.gz or older?

    The hash itself does look to be correct (that, or your server and mine are both compromised :)
    $sha256sum /bin/bash
    025cf78cd9d276019e916b97b0decd10cacb14902db8eb9f28233019babfb331  /bin/bash

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