Hi, Please consider both of the 2 cases below and my material : remote VPS (distro Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) *** CASE 1 *** The installation wizard for EPESI BIM (Business Information Manager) allows server root user as “localhost“ to create and configure a database using mysql root user credentials (set from ISPConfig installation) : /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf. But although these credentials are recognized in terminal, they are not recognised by the installation wizard that returns me this this ERROR MESSAGE : Could not connect(Errno: 1698): Access denied for user 'root'@'vpsNUMBER.ovh.net' Screenshot : https://view.publitas.com/p222-16514/epesi-install/ The error message remains whatever the first field value is set to between “localhost“ or “SERVER IP ADDRESS". Should I consider executing these command lines (from a video seen on youtube) ? use mysql update user set plugin='' where User='root'; flush privileges; *** CASE 2 *** I have also tried to install EPESI BIM as non-root shell user and with a database previously created from ISPConfig panel (remote accessed activated) ; but afterward, the installation wizard returns a full blank page ! Do any one know what may prevent the installation wizard to be executed ? Could it be a plugin setting issue (case 1) ? Regards,