Root Server Partitioning Suggestion for ISPConfig 3 & 400GB Diskspace

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Master One, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. Master One

    Master One New Member

    The title tells it all. I have to confess, that I've lost a little the oversight, what goes where in the filesystem on such an installation (and with that I mainly mean mail, webstuff and databases). I don't want to just use a large / and maybe a separate /home, but a more fine grained partitioning scheme.

    As the webstuff seems to go all to /var/www by default, where are mail and databases stored?

    Does it make sense, to split up /var into more than one partition?

    I really would appreciate, if some of you with the proper knowledge and some real life experience with running productions machines with ISPConfig 3 could post suggestions, how to split up 400GB of diskspace in a useful way (including the suggested filesystem, if other than ext3 for certain partitions).

    P.S. Of course I know, that there is no generally valid answer to that problem, as it depends on what else is done with that machine, for how many websites / customers it is meant to be, and so on. I just want to get some input, on how others would use 400GB of space, if the main purpose of that server is to run ISPConfig 3 and host web, mail & databases for a bunch of domains.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Mails is stored in /var/vmail and databases are stored in /var/lib/mysql

    I recommed to make just one large /var partition.
  3. Master One

    Master One New Member

    Thanks, till, I'll give it a nice large /var partition then, although I am still not quite sure, how to split up 400GB properly.

    400GB look pretty large, and I really want to just assign it all right from the beginning, without fiddling with LVM & resizing afterwards. As I am pretty much sure, that no additional diskspace will be added at any time, I should come up with a definitive masterplan for that SoftRaid1 (it's 2x400GB, but I never would use it in any other way than RAID1), so that I can start installing.

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