Roundcube email login error

Discussion in 'General' started by Alex M, Sep 28, 2021.

  1. Alex M

    Alex M Member

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with accessing e-mail on Roundcube, I practically created a record (example:, then I registered it as a site on ISPConfig to have the SSL certificate and then I set forwarding to (example:, only when I type the address manually without forwarding it works while with forwarding it tells me this page doesn't work. Also with some domains typing / webmail gives me the error 500. Thanks to those who can help me out.
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Have you created e-mail domain for that domain name? Having a site in ispconfig does not mean much concerning e-mail. My signature has link to e-mail setup tutorial.
    That part I do not understand at all.
  3. Alex M

    Alex M Member

    Yes, I have already created an email domain.
  4. Alex M

    Alex M Member

    The problem is that for access to roundcube I used a record named like this (example: and to get the SSL certificate I registered it on ISPConfig as a site and then I configured a forwarding to ( example: for access to Roundcube only that when I try to log in by typing which forwards me to the browser it says that the page doesn't work, while if I remove the input from ISPConfig and log in directly by typing everything works normally. And another problem I encountered is that if from some domains registered on ISPConfig I try to access roundcube by adding to the domain / webmail to access the browser it returns me the error 500. Thanks
  5. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    I don't believe a /webmail location is setup for all sites by default, but that might depend on what OS/web server you use and how you installed roundcube. You might try using the server hostname with /webmail or /roundcube and see if you find a working roundcube install, and if so, you can redirect /webmail from the other sites there. There are other solutions, too, which require quite a bit more info (and work to setup).
  6. Alex M

    Alex M Member

    I had seen around that to access Roundcube from any server domain they typed / webmail to access, the operating system is Debian and the web server is Apche with ISPConfig, Roundcube I installed it automatically together with the automated installation script of ISPConfig , with the host name of the server I cannot test if it works because I have configured a forwarding to the ISPConfig panel but trying with (example: which is the host name of my server logs on normally. To be able to access other sites as well, what should I do? And for the forwarding problem, do you have something to suggest me on what to do? Thanks
  7. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    I would setup /webmail for each site to reverse proxy the location to the actual roundcube instance. You may have to create a custom vhost template which does this, I don't know if it can be done in global config. Be sure to add directives which both proxy the location and update the hostname and cookie domain/paths. (I'm not where I can post any samples now, but you could see similar functionality in a previous post I made in configuring monit via reverse proxy.)

    Do not follow any instructions which have you point /webmail to the roundcube install path in the server and run it directly, that is very insecure (search up my previous postings on it if you want details).
  8. Alex M

    Alex M Member

    Ok thanks, do you have any links to recommend?
  9. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    The relevant part from the monit example I mentioned is:
       <IfModule mod_proxy_http.c>
         <Location /monit>
           ProxyPass ""
           ProxyPassReverse ""
           ProxyPreserveHost On
           ProxyPassReverseCookiePath "/" "/monit/"
    Adjust your paths and target url to fit your setup.
  10. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  11. Alex M

    Alex M Member

  12. Alex M

    Alex M Member

  13. nhybgtvfr

    nhybgtvfr Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    might be a complete red herring, but try clearing your browser cache, and also maybe restarting your browser.

    your browser may be caching and reloading an old stored redirect, just clearing the cache is normally enough, but sometimes, especially on firefox, the browser is really reluctant to let go of that and reload from the source address, even after clearing the cache. (hence restarting the browser)
  14. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  15. Alex M

    Alex M Member

    I have also tried from multiple browsers and other devices but on all of them there is the same problem
  16. Alex M

    Alex M Member

    I created the site, I also created the record in my panel where the domain is registered and I also enabled the Let's Encrypt SSL certificate and in the options I added the code that is written in the Apache directives , but the problem is always the same that is that if in the initial forwarding in the file I created at the beginning I put it works but it sends me back to the site, while if I put https: //webmail.dominio .it / webmail always gives me the problem of the page not working. Thanks

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