HI, I've been using the roundcube forward plugin for a bit now and it works great. Just wondering if there is an option to automatically delete the original message once it is forwarded. Kevin
well, my original version of the plugin had this feature, but as ispconfig implemented the feature itself, i switched to the internal feature instead of using a custom mailfilter script.
Hi Horfic, I'm not sure what you are saying in your reply, I'm reading it as ispconfig already has a forward and delete option, so that is why you didn't implement it. If this is the case, I can't find that option or where to turn that feature on in ispconfig. Again, nice addins, great work. Kevin
no i mean this: my first versions of the forwarding plugin had forwarding and delete option. At this time ispconfig didn't had any forwarding options. in the later version ispconfig implemented a forwarding option, but without the delete option. This is used now, so that people can easily change the forward address in roundcube and/or ispconfig. my first versions worked without a doubt, but i always had to write a custom script to insert into custom mailfilter
OK, I understand now. Thanks I won't spend any more time looking for it. Just curious, is this not something that a lot of people would want/need? K
well i didn't got pretty much any.... but maybe i will add another forwarding plugin which uses the custom mailfilter.