Roundcube last version with autoinstaller

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by yasine, Jan 9, 2024.

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  1. yasine

    yasine Member

    I'm wondering if the Perfect Server Automated ISPConfig 3 Installation will install the Latest RoundCube Webmail like in picture or just it pulls the old version from the repo, if so, should I then skip the RoundCube installation using --no-roundcube and install it manually ( on Nginx )


    I want also to customize the subdomain alias to instead of

    Thank you !
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    RoundCube gets installed from Debian or Ubuntu repository.

    Then you must install it manually anyway as you must first create a website in ISPConfig and then install RoundCube into that website.
    yasine and ahrasis like this.
  3. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Roundcube version from website is 1.6.5.
    Roundcube from Debian 12 Bookworm repository is 1.6.5.
    Roundcube from Ubuntu 22.04 repository is 1.5.0, so better use Debian if must have latest version.
    On the other hand, installing roundcube from somewhere else or compiling it yourself means you must verify it works correctly. When updates come to roundcube, you must repeat the installation or compiling to get the update.
    Using distro repository is easier, the maintainer knows how to compile and set up the application so it works as intended, and updates are installed automatically.
    yasine and ahrasis like this.
  4. yasine

    yasine Member

    OK, Got it, thank you !
  5. slagroom

    slagroom Member

    Isn't there a way to hard-link or symlink to the roundcube that was installed/apt-updated already?
    Similarly, if I want to have mail.x.tld, mail.y.tld and mail.z.tld all point to the same roundcube dir (while not being domain aliases), isn't that way more efficient than having to copy all of roundcube's files into each new site's folder?

    I remember having done this before a decade ago using a separate squirrelmail dir and giving it a separate nginx vhost conf file, but I'd rather have *all* config controlled by ISPconfig and not -again- have all those extra workaround/special case configs that bypass or skip ispconfig on the same server..
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You'll get permission issues as every website runs as a different Linux user.

    ISPConfig uses a single RoundCube install and does not duplicate it; that's why it uses the Debian or Ubuntu package. This thread does not talk about installing RoundCube several times at all and nobody suggested that you shall copy RoundCube into each websites folder, you would just create a single new site for all users. The user asked how to get a RoundCube version that is not available as Debian package and as apt is the installer for Debian packages, you can not use it to install software that does not exist as package yet, this means you must install such software versions that are not available via apt manually.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
  7. slagroom

    slagroom Member

    OK, I did install ispconfig on debian including roundcube. I see it already created a database entry for it in mysql. So, when I install roundcube into some site ( for all users, do I then use ispconfig's db config for it, or do I have to install it anew, as a totally separate roundcube? I'm just a little confused as to the existing roundcube under port 8081 or something being some kind of stale entity no user ever goes to. Webmail installs like that tend to become forgotten, and then perhaps excluded from login failure monitoring with all the possible consequences of it being a security hole.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You should use your own database. The ISPConfig installation is the central installation for all users of your system; if you add an additional install besides this central install, then you must maintain your additional setups yourself.

    The exact opposite is the case when using ISPConfig and the auto-installer. What ISPConfig uses is a central installation used by all users on all domains, and there is a link to it directly from any mailbox in ISPConfig to this installation, so it's used all the time by all users that want to use a webmail client. If you want to have a separate installation on a different URL or separate installs for each mail domain, then you must maintain your non standard setup manually.
  9. slagroom

    slagroom Member

    How is there no way to use this ISPconfig installation of roundcube under additional domain names (alias domains) or different ports? This sounds really strange to me. Looks to me like I could even create a vhost conf file in nginx that points to the 8081 roundcube install, and then have it listen to a bunch of domain name aliases, so they all can use the ISPconfig roundcube install. I'll try and see how it goes.
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Your conclusion is strange, as it's not what I said. On a Linux system, different users run software, and the central roundcube install is made for user www-data, but ISPConfig websites run under a different user for security reasons like users web1, web2 etc., so this will cause you issues when trying to use multiple websites that run under different Linux users to write files into a directory and it can expose security issues as well as you would have to open permissions for writable folders and rouncube config files to be accessible globally from any user. Therefore, it's better to either use a central installation of roundcube as ispconfig made it, or create your own central installation, which would not give you any real benefit, just makes maintenance more complicated. Or create installs per website, which is not advisable and therefore not used by ISPconfig but can be done manually by you, of course.
    ahrasis likes this.
  11. slagroom

    slagroom Member

    I think you misunderstand me; I *prefer* to use the central installation that is already there, for which you claim ALL users can access, but I want it to be reachable under all domain names (like webmail.x.tld, mail.y.tld etc.) which should not be too hard. Now the 'central' roundcube is only available under https://ispcdomain:8081/webmail and you wrote that it can't be made accessible under other names. Again, I can reverse proxy ANY hostname to it in nginx. Why not?
    That way I do not have to create an extra database, the roundcube is version-maintained by apt and ispconfig, and there are no security issues whatsoever.
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Of course, you can reverse proxy other domains to a service that is reachable by http or https, but that's a different topic from what we discussed here in the initial post. Especially as you do not have to alter the central ISPConfig RoundCube setup in port 8081 at all for this, which you don't seem to like. I'll close this now as it becomes more and more off-topic from what the thread starter asked.
    ahrasis likes this.
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