Hi, I have setup a mail and www server with ISPConfig All working great but i have problem witch RoundCube plugin ispconfig3 When I want change pass, autoreplay, forward and clicking save im geting error Of course i added remote user. I have one client in system one domain. How can i repair that? OK. I this problem shows when i create mail account looks like [email protected] and give optional login. When i create account without login all works great. Help me with this i can't delete all logins becouse users working now on email client and logins witch that login.
Please use the corrent version from github. https://github.com/w2c/ispconfig3_roundcube/archive/master.zip or the github svn https://github.com/w2c/ispconfig3_roundcube/trunk/ ---- The error appears when the mail user/mailbox got created with a sysuser_id which doesn't point in the mysql table sys_user to a client_id. This client id is needed. e.g. the default user "admin" got the userid 1, which points to the client id 0.
Installed plugin from github but same error. What can i do in that case? In table client i have client_id "1" and in sys_user i have row witch client_id witch "1". All looks good. Help me plz.
I "repair" my problem. I'm using only one plugin for change pass ... My steps: Code: ispconfig3_account/ispconfig3_account.php in line 67 and 155 change login to email Code: $mail_user = $this->soap->mail_user_get($session_id, array('[B]email[/B]' => $this->rcmail_inst->user->data['username'])); and in Code: ispconfig3_pass/ispconfig3_pass.php in line 102 change login to email Code: $mail_user = $this->soap->mail_user_get($session_id, array('[B]email[/B]' => $this->rcmail_inst->user->data['username'])); In other plugins i think it will be the same "trick".
this was the old method to get the corresponding mail account. with newer version the mail server behind ispconfig verifies against the login, which is in my case the same. so in the ispconfig db table mail_user i have got a field email and a field login which are the same for me as I'm not allowing custom login names. how are your email and logins build, what format? email => [email protected] login => test ?
emal => [email protected] login to roundcube => first.last But in ISPconfig i have field "Login (optional)" ( in mail_user -> login row ) => some_difrent_login
so email = [email protected] login = first.last is roundcube login adding automatically the domain to it? so that you login with first.last the real login is then [email protected] because the $this->rcmail_inst->user->data['username'] gives only the username which you logged in. e.g email = [email protected] login = hello roundcube doesn't add the domain to it. so the username is hello if roundcube adds domain it would be [email protected] which would be wrong ---- as you can see in the examples, it is the login field to get the information, as the the email and the login can be something completly different. so your attempt may solve your issue, but probably only for few mail accounts, you should probably check your mail_user table and your mail server settings