RoundCube Webmail 10 Easy Steps changes

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by bobwdn, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. bobwdn

    bobwdn Member

    I have been working through the how to "RoundCube Webmail On Your ISPConfig Server Within 10 Easy Steps."

    Clearly there have been some changes to RoundCube as HOWTO is written for v0.1.1 and I installed v0.2 stable.

    When I got to step 7, I could not find the 'line 709' in the /program/include/ file (which I located at /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail/program/include) to change as indicated. I searched the entire file (visually) and a "trim" instruction could not be found. So, I skipped that step and continued with the how to.

    I then went to my web browser and tried to access my web address ( and received this:

    Error No. [0x01F4]
    Forum searches keep referencing RoundCube v0.1.0, so, I was reluctant to try any of those changes and instead chose to post this question.

    Does my not finding 'line 709' have anything to do with my problem? If not, what now?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Currently, there is no known solution for this.
    I confirmed that already here.
  4. bobwdn

    bobwdn Member

    Well, I guess that good

    Well, I know it sounds funny, but, I guess that good :( .

    So, I wait patiently.

    Thanks for the honesty.

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